the charity ball {7}

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Reader's POV

2 weeks had passed since Aaron and Emily's kiss, neither said another word about it. He didn't spend a lot of time at her house. The only time they really saw eachother was work. Alex and Edeth had been asking to see Aaron, Emily had simply told them he was busy, for 2 weeks straight. Since the team has had a lot of cases Emily got them a babysitter, her name is Jade. Tonight was a charity ball the BAU hosted every year.

"Emily are you going to the ball?" JJ asked loud enough for Hotch and everyone else to hear.

"I don't know, with all the cases we've gotten I don't really want to leave the twins. They like Jade, but I kind of feel bad." Emily shrugged.

"I'm sure they won't mind."

Emily scoffed, "They're four, they don't know what they'll mind."

"Come on, you've been such a buzz kill lately! Loosen up mama bear." JJ laughed while trying to convince Emily to go.

"Ugh, my beautiful brunette, you have to come-" Garcia started before Morgan cut her off.

"It's not a party without Party Prentiss." He smirked at her.

"It's not a party anyway," Emily rolled her eyes, "it's a ball. It's supposed to be classy, not trashy. And I am trashy when in drunk." She laughed. They all gave her pleading looks, "I will think about it."

"Come on guys, it's better than a no." Reid stated.

"Reid's right." Rossi said as he headed toward the elevator, "It'll be fun Emily, you don't wanna miss out."

Emily shook her head and made her way to the elevator, followed by the rest of the team, including Hotch.

Hotch didn't want to chip in on the others trying to get Emily to come because he didn't want the team to suspect anything. JJ knew how Emily felt about Hotch after a girls night and a lot of alcohol. Emily would've told Garcia, but she didn't know how long she could keep the secret. Penelope Garcia is an amazing secret hacker, but not a secret keeper.

It was early evening when the team went home, the ball starts at 7 pm. They all have an hour to get ready. Emily didn't know if Hotch was going to go or not, she wanted to talked to him about the kiss.

"Emmy, phone!" Edeth yelled from downstairs. Emily had been trying to find a dress to wear to the ball, if she decided to go.

"Coming!" Emily ran downstairs and took the phone after whispering a thank you to Edeth. The caller ID read 'Hotch', "Hey Hotch," Emily answered.

"Hey, I just called to see if you were going to the ball." Hotch answered. He wasn't sure if he should call her, but he decided he should ask.

"I don't know," Emily laughed, "I don't think so."

"You should come, it'd be nice. And you only have an hour." He laughed, which made her laugh.

Before Hotch could answer Alex came in, "Emily, can we see Aaron?!"

Emily didn't know if he heard that so she quickly answered the young boy and held the phone away from her, "Soon, baby. Oh, your teddy is in the dryer."

Hotch smirked even though Emily couldn't see it, "So I guess I'll be seeing you soon?" He had heard her talk to Alex.

Emily laughed, "Soon. I have to go get ready if I don't want to be late."

"Okay, bye Emily."

"Bye Aaron." They both smiled and hung up. Jade hadn't left yet, she offered to watch the kids while she went to the ball. Emily walked to the living room where Jade was hanging out with the twins, "Jade, could you watch them while I go out tonight?"

"Of course. What time do you think you'll be home?"

"It starts at 7, so no later than 10. That's not a problem is it?"

"No, no. Go have fun, you need it." Jade smiled and so did Emily.

When Emily got to her room she settled for her favorite dress that she hadn't worn around the team yet. The dress is red, it hugged all of her curves but flared a little at the bottom. It wasn't to tight where she couldn't move, but it was tight enough to fit her shape. Emily decided to go with light makeup and curl her hair. Slipping on black heels and grabbing her clutch, Emily made her way down the stairs.

When the twins and Jade heard heels they turned around, "Emmy! You look so pretty!" Edeth yelled running to tackle her with a hug. Alex ran and joined in.

"Thank you, honey." Emily pressed a kiss to both of their heads, "Be good for Jade. I'm going out for a little bit."

"Will you be home to tuck us in?" Alex asked with sad eyes.

Emily shook her head, suddenly feeling guilty again, "No, baby. I'm sorry, but I promise I will check on you guys before I go to sleep, okay?"

He shook his head, "Okay."

"I love you both so much." Emily kissed their heads again.

"I love you too." The twins said at the same time. Emily's heart swelled everytime she heard those three little words.


Everyone from the 6th floor of the BAU was there except for Emily. Hotch wanted to pick her up but he didn't want to make it obvious that there was something going on between them.

Emily arrived a little late, but they were all glad she came.

"Awe cupcake! You made it! And you look so beautiful!" Garcia squealed while running to hug her.

"Thank you Pen, you look beautiful too." Emily said sincerely while smiling.

They all complemented and she complemented the all back.

Emily and JJ went off to get drinks for themselves when JJ broke the silence, "So, have you guys talked about it yet?"

Emily knew she was refering to the kiss, "No, not yet. I will talk to him tonight." JJ wiggled her eyebrows at her brunette friend, "Stop it JJ." They both laughed.

Hotch walked up to them, when JJ saw him she winked at Emily discreetly. Emily didn't know why she was winking, but she simply laughed and turned around, hitting a hard chest. She looked up to see say sorry to the man she had ran into, then realized it was Hotch. Emily laughed nervously, "Sorry Hotch."

He smiled down at her and chuckled, "It's okay." Emily never knew what to call him, she wanted to call him Aaron, but they were at their work place around their friends so she went with Hotch. "Emily, we should talk."

Emily nodded in agreement, "Let's go somewhere else." He followed her outside and they sat on a bench. They sat in silence before Emily said, "You heard Alex ask to see you, didn't you." It was more of a statement than a question.

He laughed lightly, "I did, but that's not what I wanted to talk to you about."

Emily nodded her head for what seemed like one millionth time today, "The kiss, I know."

Both were looking straight ahead until Hotch turned to face her. What he was about to say would break them both, "It can't happen again."

Emily was taken aback by his words. She needed him, wanted him, but now she couldn't have him because he didn't want her.

She tried hard not to show how hurt she was, her eyes averted his. Emily shook her head and gave a weak, teary eyed smile, "Goodbye Hotch."

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