Chapter 1: Shadow of Decay

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*Kymberly's POV*

    Winding roads... roads that ultimately lead nowhere. My mother had always taught me that you love and care for your family no matter what they've done. My dad had gone to prison for murder when I was seven years old. Mom did the best she could for me. When all else fails, go back home even if there's nothing left. I was going home to pack up my mom's house she had passed away and I was the only one of her children that really gave a shit what happened to her. She was a sweet woman with a kind and generous heart. She would help any and everyone she could.

        "Sorry for your loss Kymberly." Agatha Porter, my moms old neighbor, who used to babysit me when I was a child.  

        "Thanks, Aggie." I smiled and gave her a hug.

          "I didn't expect your mother to go the way she did young Kymberly." Agatha hugged me tightly she had always been like a second mom to me.

          "Neither did I. Well All I know now is it will be a long summer living here while I sort through moms shit." I smiled I had missed home, where is home? Home for me was Des Moines, Iowa.

        My mom and I had lived there since I was a baby, I never really had friends per say. I had maybe two people that weren't afraid of me and didn't completely hate me. Agatha and I said our goodbyes and I turned and opened the door walking back into my childhood home. I smiled softly at the thought of sleeping in my childhood bedroom once more. Wave after wave of nostalgia came rushing over me. I remembered my absolute best friend and the shit we would get into. He was the only one who was just as messed up and as crazy as I was.

      I walked around my childhood home, it felt so weird to be in my old home and have it be so quiet. Not hearing the television running or walking through the door smelling freshly baked cookies because mom was in the kitchen baking. Mom had really brought the house to life, now it seemed quiet and dull. I really did miss my mom, I was really close to her she was my world. When I had finally had enough making myself depressed by sitting in that lonely ass quiet house I went to the bar for a drink. I was hoping to get lucky and see my best friend sitting at the bar. 

       When I walked through the doors of the bar, I caught sight of him, blond hair and all. I couldn't help but smile and take a seat next to him at the bar. I glanced up at the bartender and ordered my drink be before shooting a brief glance in his direction. 

      "Kymberly?" I heard his voice and even after the years, I could still recognize his voice.

       "Yeah, it's me, hows it going Corey?"

      "Pretty good, I'm in a band now. So what brings you back here?"

      "My mom died, gotta go through her shit so I can sell the house. Not exactly the way I wanted to spend my summer but it needed to get done." I smiled casually.

      "Shit that fucking sucks, I'm sorry you're dealing with that Kym."

      "It's okay, her health had been going downhill the last five years. I knew it would only be a matter of time before she died and  I would the only one of my siblings that even cared that she was dead. They all hated her for her mistakes, they never did forgive her before she died." I took a drink of the whiskey the bartender had put in front of me while I was talking.

      "So Kym, am I ever going to get you to come to meet the band. I think they would seriously like you."

     "I don't see why not." I smiled at him. 

      Corey was the only one that I couldn't hide from or lie to. He was the only that I couldn't have any secrets with. He knew when I was lying and when I was telling the truth.

       "I'm gonna hold you to that  Kym." Corey smiled at me.

       "I wouldn't expect anything less from you, Corey." I grinned at him.

     It felt like I was a kid again reliving those long summer nights that we would spend together drinking and listening to records and cassettes.  We sat and drank at the bar for a couple of hours before the bartender called for the last call. That's when the reality of going back to that depressing quiet and eerie house. I didn't want to go back to that house with what felt like a shitload of dead memories.

      "What's wrong Kym?"  

     "Just don't want to go back to that quiet depressing ass fucking house." I smiled weakly at him.

        "Come with me tonight. Sounds to me like you just don't want to be alone." Corey smiled at me and I knew he was serious.

       "Alright." I smiled and gave into him without a second thought.

    He was my best friend we did everything together. I paid my tab and he grabbed my hand and lead me outside. I had missed home as much as I hated it when I was a kid. Something about being back home with Corey. We hadn't hung out like that in so long.

    "How long are you staying in town?"

      "As long as it takes me to go through my moms shit and sell the house."

       "Well maybe we'll get to hang out a bit before you leave again. I missed having my best friend close by." Corey smiled at me and I felt my heart smile.

        "Defientely, I missed having you around. Life was a lot less fun without being around you."

       "I know, I'm fucking awesome."

       "Don't go getting a big head now."

        I smiled once more as we got to the door. I knew it would be an interesting night.

Dead MemoriesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora