Chapter 4: Duality

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*Kymberly's POV*

I was working way slower on my mom's house than I wanted to but I was spending so much time with Corey and his band that things and to me were getting away from me.

"Kym? Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm just not getting as much done as I had hoped." I laughed.

"You'll get it all done eventually." Corey reminded me.

"Yeah I will. It's just gonna take a lot longer than I thought."

"Kym let's go to my place, the band and I were going to have a get together it will be fun." Corey's eyes were pleading hoping I'd say yes.

"Sure why not? I need a break." I laughed lightly.

"Great well we should be leaving then!" He grabbed my hand and towed me towards the door.

I couldn't help but laugh at his enthusiasm. It was charming, it always had been. I walked out beside him feeling sublime. It was something that I didn't want to end.

"Kymberly, the guys seem to like you."

"That's good, I would hope they would."

When we got there the rest of the guys in Slipknot were showing up as well. Joey caught sight of me and bombarded me with a hug. I knew he and I would wind up being good friends.

"Hi again Joey." I smiled and returned the hug.

"Glad you weren't scared off." Joey spoke as we broke the hug.

"I'm a lot tougher than I look Joey." I smiled slightly.

"I see these rowdy assholes haven't scared you off." Sid just about scared the shit out of me.

"Yeah, I think they might have a hard time doing that." I smirked and watched as chaos was ensuing.

"This is gonna be a long night." Sid groaned.

"You're telling me." I laughed and found myself a beer.

"So Kym, tell me how the hell are you able to put up with assholes like us." Sid took a drink of his own beer.

"I honestly don't know Sid. I mean Corey is one thing, I've known him for years but everyone else I don't know how I haven't ran screaming for the door. I guess I like the pure chaos." I smiled.

"Huh, maybe that's why Corey likes you so much. You have a love for the chaos that surrounds him."

"I think you're right, that and the way I feel about him. It feels amazing to be with him." I trailed off taking a gulp from my beer.

A while later I was standing alone before I was approached by Shawn, Chris, and Paul. The three that hadn't really said too much to me.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" Shawn asked putting an arm around my shoulders.

"Kind of."

"Maybe we can change that." Chris smiled like an idiot.

"Guys take it easy it doesn't look like she's much of a partier." Paul stepped in shooing Chris and Shawn off.

"Sorry about those two they can be a little intense." Paul spoke calmly with an airy laugh.

"It's alright, I'm just not used to parties. I never cared much for them."

"It's all good. They bother you again just let me know." He was gone on his way the second he got the word out.

I stood there yet again drinking my beer alone in silence. Jim and Mick wandered over to where I was standing.

"You okay Kym?" Jim spoke first.

"Not really, I feel so out of place not with the people but in the environment. I never much liked parties the kind of intimidated me."

"Want me to find Corey?" Mick questioned.

"Please." My voice was a whisper.

Mick nodded and went to track down Corey while Jim stayed with me. I just wanted to lay down, I was tired and I just didn't feel great.

"What s wrong Kym?" Corey looked at me.

"I'm tired and I'm not feeling great."

"Come on, we'll leave the animals to party and we'll go lay down." Corey smiled gently and took my hand leading me up the stairs. I was relieved that upstairs seemed to be pretty quiet. The noise was starting to give me a head ache.

"Here you can wear this tonight." Corey tossed me a Guns N Roses shirt.

I slipped it on and my skin tight jeans and blouse off. Once I was dressed for bed Corey pulled me into bed and his arms.

*Corey's POV*

Kym didn't seem like she really liked the party. She never had liked them. However once we laid down together. She immediately relaxed and I could tell she was drifting off to sleep.

* * *

I woke up glancing next to me Kym was still passed out. I smiled and disentangled myself from her so I could go to the bathroom. When I returned she was just waking up.

"Morning." Kym had a sleepy smile on her face.

"Mornin', were you okay last night?" I felt the need to make sure she was alright.

"Yeah I just had a headache." She smiled at me.

"I'm sure the fucking animals are still passed out downstairs, wanna go get food?"

"Yeah sounds good to me." Kym smiled as she slipped her clothes back on and left my T-shirt on the bed.


"Yeah I'm ready." Kym stood up and followed me to the door.

The living room looked like a bunch of fucking Vikings on a war path had tore through the lower level of my home. The guys were passed out in various locations throughout the lower level. Kym laughed a little bit at the sight. I just shook my head and lead us to the door while avoiding passed out guys everywhere.

When we were safely outside, I finally decided to speak again.

"Sorry about the guys last night Kym."

"It's okay, I had fun until I started getting a headache from the noise." She grinned at me.

"Well I am glad you did have some sort of fun. I was a little worried when Mick came and told me that you needed me." I told her honestly.

"Well I did, and you didn't have to worry."

"I'm always gonna worry Kym."

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