Chapter 8 - An Olympian?

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"The Broken One, destined to Love

Shall Fall to the Major Domain of the Dove

When the Daughter of Zeus Prays to the Sky

Is When the Arrow Shall Fly

The Broken One's Oath to Break

Due to the Moon, the Prince shall Awake"

Chapter 8

An Olympian?

*Previously, on When the Arrow Flies*

"All I could think is that this had been one crazy day."


*Zeus' POV*

"Hold up!" I shouted as he left and I flashed to him before grabbing his shoulder and flashing him back. "We're not done with you yet." Percy looked at me confused. "I want to make the offer to you to make you an Olympian." I said, hoping he would say yes, but doubting he would. He thought about it and said "Why not, I mean, it's not like I'm doing anything else in life, it wouldn't be bad to have some excitement in my life." We all stared at him, stunned he would actually accept. I cleared my throat. "Well, let's get this over with." We were about to make him a god when the Fates flashed in the room, causing us all to bow. "Rise." they said, which we obeyed. They turned to Percy, speaking in harmony "We shall personally make this demigod an Olympian, so he is actually powerful." They started to spin around him while shooting him with beams of energy, with the colors of black, white, and purple. When they stopped and stood by each other again, they said "You are now the god of Creation, Demigods, Godhood, Immortality, Swordsmanship, Elements, Handsomeness, Power, Water, Oceans, Time, and Earth. Your domains are the demigod Camp and the Earth. You are now the 15th Olympian, and the most powerful of them all." I was stunned but I also grew nervous. He was extremely powerful, and I couldn't help but wonder if he would overthrow me. "Last things, child, you are not bound by the ancient laws, and you shall no longer be known by the name of Perseus Jackson. You are now Lord Πρίγκιπας, and you shall also not be commanded by your fellow Olympians, King Zeus cannot command you." With that they vanished, and a throne popped up next to Artemis' and a rumbling could be heard as a palace arose on Olympus, also next to Artemis'. I was afraid, not even gonna lie.

*Third Person POV*

Percy, or now Πρίγκιπας, grew in height until he was fifteen feet tall, the height of the Olympians. He sat on his throne, which had images of his domains, and it was a night sky black. He was also now incredibly handsome, with sparkling black eyes with purple specks in them, which was most likely from his domain of creation, which was assumed that he shared with the Primordial, Chaos. When everyone was staring at him, Πρίγκιπας asked "What?" They laughed and Zeus said "Well, that's interesting, to say the least." Πρίγκιπας said "Well, everybody, I would like you all to forget my previous name, for that name no longer applies to me." Everybody nodded and Zeus said "Everybody, I am giving you the order, well, besides Πρίγκιπας, to spread the news of our new Olympian." They nodded and flashed out, while Artemis remained and so did Πρίγκιπας.

She approached him and said "Well, Lord Πρίγκιπας, it seems it's been some day for you?" He grunted and said "Well, I have yet to get a roman form, so I am currently only a greek god." She laughed and said "Don't worry, I'm sure the Fates will fix that soon. Anyways, I didn't come here to talk to you for nothing. I want to duel you." He nodded and they flashed to the Olympian arena. She took out her hunting knives while he created a sword out of nothing. "Figured out how to use your powers already?" She asked, shocked. Never in a million years would have she have thought that he would already have known how to use his powers. "The Fates did me a little favor." He said, smirking.

She charged him at the same time he charged her. Their blades clashed as she attacked, and he went on defense, though it looked like he wasn't even trying. Finally, he said, "Let's change this, shall we?" Suddenly a bunch of copies of him lunged at her, and she managed to get rid of them, but not before being attacked by the real Πρίγκιπας. He attacked her and she was growing tired in a hurry, in a last desperation she unleashed her true form, but suddenly Πρίγκιπας somehow shut it down and got her in a headlock with his sword at her neck. "Yield?" He asked in his deep voice. "I yield." she growled. After he released her she asked angrily "How did you stop me from using my godly form?" He simply replied "The god of godhood, at your service." She thought for a second, shocked, before blasting him back with a beam created out of moonlight. She lunged at him only to be frozen, only being able to move her eyes. He said "That was cheap." before having her thrown against the wall. "His domain of time is dangerous." she thought furiously as he flashed out of the arena in a gold flash.

She got up and walked back to Πρίγκιπας's and looked inside his window to see what he was doing, to find him playing a game called Fortnite on his machine called an Xbox. She sighed and walked back to her palace, and sat in her living room and watched some TV, the Olympus channel was currently focused on Πρίγκιπας's adventures. She sighed and went upstairs to her bedroom, where she thought about the events of the past twelve years, about the long and tiring waiting for the son of Poseidon to return, to the many years of searching for him before he was found. When thinking about all of this, her mind turned to her guilt about how she made an enemy of him. He saved her more times than she would have wanted to have been saved by a male, and now she repaid him by making an enemy of him. She didn't know how she was gonna make it up to Πρίγκιπας. That night, the distressed goddess of the moon fell asleep thinking about how she made an enemy of the male she respects the most.

Exactly 1000 words.

IMPORTANT AUTHORS NOTE! MUST READ! AN: Alright *dodging tomatoes* I know that other authors have made a storyline about making Percy an Olympian *dodges another tomato* But trust me, do you really think that I wouldn't have done something like this without thinking about it and mapping it out? Making Percy an Olympian sets up a perfect sequel if anybody wants me to make a sequel for this book after it. And trust me, this Chapter is resetting the stage so that the story can go on and actually be somewhat interesting. I realize that this chapter isn't great *crowd boos at him and throws a bunch of tomatoes, which he barely avoids* YES, I KNOW! But resetting the stage for a story is gonna be a crappy chapter, which is something I tried my best to avoid. I hope you guys come back to the story next time! *runs out of stage while getting hit by tomatoes*

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