Chapter 11

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"The Broken One, destined to Love

Shall Fall to the Major Domain of the Dove

When the Daughter of Zeus Prays to the Sky

Is When the Arrow Shall Fly

The Broken One's Oath to Break

Due to the Moon, the Prince shall Awake

When the Lord of Godhood Rises in Power

The First One Shall Fall Off the Tower

And Gain the Rightful Place Shall he

Though Fall Shall the one he calls Arty."

Disclaimer: I don't own PJO or HoO.

Chapter 11

*Previously, on When the Arrow Flies*

"He looked away and back at Earth, and sighed, before he disappeared into a million stars."


*Artemis' POV*

I ran over as the young god collapsed in exhaustion. I managed to grab him before he hit the ground, and I was relieved when I saw he was all right, but then things got bad REAL fast.

Out of nowhere he started bleeding like a mad man. I had not expected that obviously, and I rushed forward and quickly grabbed him, teleporting him to a medical tent before flashing back and grabbing my hunt and taking them there. When we arrived things weren't looking much better. He laid on the bed, bleeding out and I made a desperate attempt of healing him with my powers, but his wounds were beyond my healing abilities. So there was only one option left. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

"APOLLOOOOOOOOOO!!" I screamed as loud as I could, making some of my hunters grab their ears, sending me a not-so-pleased look. Suddenly golden light filled the room, and there was my ignorant brother, standing there, as if nothing was wrong. "So, why'd you-- WHAT IN THE NAME OF HADES HAPPENED? WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL SOONER?" He suddenly started yelling like a little girl. He quickly rushed forward and started healing Skylar. As he healed him, I watched Skylar's wounds slowly close up, and when his front area was healed I couldn't help but stare at his abs. Look, it's not everyday there's a really hot god being healed in front of you with an eight pack. Wait, what? I was just kidding, heh heh, right?

After Apollo was done with him, I slapped Skylar across the face to wake him up. What? He was with the Hunter. He sat up really fast, which did not end up being very good for his health. He immediately groaned from what I had to assume was unexpected pain from having been injured, (which, by the way, I still did not know how it happened) and he asked "Okay, Lady Artemis and Lord Apollo, what happened exactly? I just remember blacking out after fighting Mr. I-am-a-ridiculously-oversized-dragon-that-should-not-have-left-his-garden." Me and Apollo both laughed at his unnormal name for Ladon.

"Well, Skylar, you just randomly started bleeding really bad so I took you here and summoned Apollo." I said. He nodded, dazed still. Apollo was giving me a questioning look as to why in the world I was calling him Skylar, so I mouthed tell you later. After explaining a few more things, everybody left the tent and started preparing for the next day. After more back cracks from Skylar, he started creating random things, earning himself a glare when he scared a few hunters. He quickly stopped and started focusing on the things he was doing.

Oh and yes, Apollo had left my camp. But anyway, back to the present, I was considering shooting Skylar with some of my arrows when he started doing a bunch of stuff with his powers that annoyed me. Like seriously, couldn't he mess around with stuff later? Suddenly he was blasted with lightning from Thalia, who was whistling innocently. He gave her a "are you serious" look and started laughing.

I realized that he was only really supposed to have stayed to help defeat Ladon but I actually kind of liked having him around. You know, just in case we were in need of help if a huge group of monsters attacked, and don't forget the fact that he could be a really nice slave. We started getting really mad when he made fire shoot out of his hands with his power over Elements. Now he was really starting to get annoying.

After another few hours of traveling with a very annoying boy, we finally reached our new campsite, only to be met with a ton of monsters. So after fighting and Skylar deciding to show off lots of his new powers, we set up camp, only to be attacked again. So after defeating those monsters we sent out scouts to search around to try and find anymore signs of monsters. After finding nothing, we settled in for the night.

I woke up the next morning and I went to wake up Skylar, and knocked on his tent door. After ten minutes of waiting, I finally went inside to find out he was gone.

AN: Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter, and sorry for not releasing this when I said I would. Things came up unexpectedly and I was unable to finish the Chapter. Once again, sorry for it being short, but I'm doing my best here. Anyways, cya later!

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