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Heya lovelies!

So, I have started editing this book, like not directly on wattpad so don't worry I won't remove any chapters.

I want you guys to help me by answering some of the questions below. I would be very grateful if you do that.

I am going to submit this book to publishers so I wanna make it better. Yeah, with your help this book can get published. Like a real book. So exciting.

So these are the 20 questions and you can answer any of them. You don't have to answer all of them, but if you answer all of them then it's great too.

[New Question: Was the book too fast paced? Ugh I don't know what to do about it. Writing in that pace is in my writing style. Is the pacing very bad?]

Q. Did you like this story?

Q. Did the characters seem real?

Q. Did you hate the villain of this book?

Q. At what point did you think, "Okay now the story has started!"

Q. At what points did you put down the book?

Q. What confused you?

Q. What annoyed you?

Q. What struck you as troubling/ problematic?

Q. If you had to choose, which character would be your best friend in real life?

Q. If you had to choose, which character would get more screen time?

Q. If you had to choose, which character would you kill off?

Q. Which scene do you remember the most?

Q. What was the most suspenseful moment?

Q. Which of your predictions came true?

Q. Where did you find skipping/skimming some parts of the book?

Q. When did your emotions hurt the most?

Q. Why did you keep reading?

Q. What was your immediate thought after finishing the book?

Q. If you had to choose three words (example: sad, funny, happy... etc) to describe this book, what would they be?

Q. Was there a character or situation which reminded you of your life?

Thanks a lot, everyone.

~ Bikramjeet

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