Chapter 2- Meet Sam

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Sam's POV

"That would be $12.50," our lunch lady, Helen, smiled at me as she spoke.

I smiled back as I handed her my money for my lunch. After thanking the lady, I held my tray as I scanned the room for any vacant table. In the far corner, next to the huge window, I saw a certain brunette waving his hands frantically to signal me where he was. I gave a low chuckle as I headed toward his direction, gripping my tray tightly as I moved with the crowd.

“Excuse me. Excuse me,” I said repeatedly as the crowd doesn’t seem to be moving. After what felt like eternity, I actually reached our table.

"Hey Logan," I sighed as I slumped in the chair next to my best friend.

"And how is my lovely best friend doing so far?" Logan asked as he tried speaking in a British accent.

"I'm doing fairly well. Thank you for asking," I replied, laughing at my best friend’s silliness. I loved this kind of moment when it was only me and Logan together. Like nothing could ever go wrong. I loved it so much that I sometimes wish time would just stop and Logan and I can do whatever we want. Unfortunately, time wasn’t on my side so the bell finally rang, ending our moment together.

"We should probably go now," Logan smiled.

I nodded, handing MY tray to the lunch lady. Logan excused himself to go the bathroom, leaving me on my own. I sighed, walking over to my locker to get my books. Just as I was about to close my locker door, I felt something and the next thing I knew, I was falling face down.

"Ooops," a shrill voice said from behind. Laughter suddenly filled the whole room. I knew who it was even before I had the chance to look at who it was. I turned to see a pair of white boots covering my vision. Connected to the boots were long legs with a mini skirt. Next was pale pink V-neck sweater and of course, the ever plastic Barbie face which glared holes at me.

"Hey Dork Princess," the Barbie smirked.

"Summer.." I trailed off, not knowing what to say with the entire spectator watching.

"What? Cat got your tongue?"

I took deep breaths and stood up. As I was picking my books up, I was suddenly back at the floor again. Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes but I managed to control myself.


I looked up to see Logan, eyebrows furrowed. As if like a switch, Logan pulled me to my feet. I dusted myself of dirt and proceeded to glare at the blonde.

"The Nerdy Knight saving the Dork Princess. Can anything be more...pathetic?"

Laughter erupted again for the second time. My face was hot in embarrassment and so was Logan's.

"At least I'm not a Barbie bitch," I snapped.

"Being a bitch is better than being a loser," Summer smiled in triumph.

I glared at Summer for a little while longer before walking away from the crowd, Logan following behind me.

"I still can't believe you guys are siblings," Logan muttered, shaking his head.

"I can't believe we're twins," I sighed.

Yes, Summer, or Barbie Bitch as I like to call her, is my twin. But we are nothing alike. Summer had platinum blonde hair with bright blue eyes and a body of a model while I, on the other hand, was petite, had brown wavy hair, chocolate brown eyes and you can say I was a nerd by the way I wore my clothes, to the way I moves.

"You look glum," Logan lightly bumped his hips to mine.

"Of course I am! My sister is out there trying to destroy and humiliate me in front of everyone."

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