Chapter 8

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Sam's POV

'You know what? You're really pretty'

It's already two-thirty in the morning and I can barely sleep. That sentence is pretty much the reason why I'm still awake.

THE Ethan Rivers just called me pretty. Me. The typical nerd of Kelson Academy.

"Is this a dream?" I whispered to myself. I don't why I did it, but I suddenly slapped my right cheek. I hissed as the pain registered through my nerves.

'Great. Now I really can't sleep,' I thought as I shook my head.

I turned to the other side of the bed where my lamp was located. I flicked it on and soon, the whole room was illuminated. I rummaged around my cabinet before I finally found my old inhaler.

I'm not really asthmatic or something but when I'm having a hard time to breath, just like what's happening right now, I just spray some in me. After shaking the inhaler, I directed it towards my mouth and pressed at the button. Immediately, air filled my lungs and I was thankful for that. A few breaths later, the pain finally slipped away and the only thing left again was that sentence. 

' You're really pretty'

I groaned. That sentence would probably be repeated over and over again in my mind for the rest of my life now. No one actually ever complimented me. Well, except for Logan, but he's my best friend. And speaking of Logan, I can't believe that he thinks I like Ethan. I mean, yeah, he's hot, he's sweet and he's probably the dream guy of every girl. But that doesn't mean I like him.

Or does it?

I mentally slapped myself. Me? Like Ethan Rivers? Never going to happen. I mean, he's dating my sister for Pete's sake!

Okay. So maybe she forced him. But still. Wouldn't it be weird if I, the twin sister of the girlfriend, liked the boyfriend? Awkward right? I sighed at the thought.

"I'm so messed up," I mumbled before I finally drifted to sleep.


"What happened to you?" Logan gasped as I entered his car.

When I finally fell asleep last night/this morning, it was already three o'clock. I woke up at seven, giving me only four hours of sleep. I never sleep later than twelve so it really had a big impact on me.

"Couldn't sleep," I mumbled as I rested my head by the window.

Logan chuckled as he drove out of the driveway. "Why would you do that on a school night?"

"Thought about something," I mumbled again. I doubt he even understands me. Suddenly, the car stopped and I bang my head by the window.

"We're here?" I asked confused as I looked at my surroundings. "Wait a minute, we're not in school.."

"You don't say, Captain Obvious," Logan snorted.

I rolled my eyes at him as we headed towards the entrance of the shop.

"Welcome to Starbucks!" A cheerful man said as we went through the doors.

The smell of coffee hit me and I immediately ran towards the counter. Logan, on the other hand, walked calmly towards me.

"Coffee?" Logan, who was grinning, asked.

I shook my head. "Coffee makes you short. I'll stick with a frappé," I smiled.

"A frappé it is, then." Logan smirked as he went towards the counter and ordered. 

When we finally got our frappé we headed towards Logan's car and buckled in.

"School, here we come!" Logan yelled as he drove in full speed.


The whole day passed by in a blur. And before I knew it, it was already the end of class.

As I was heading to the library, Ethan greeted me again.

I still haven't forgotten how awkward it was yesterday. I don't think I will ever forget about it.

"H-hi..." I stuttered.

Nice going, Sam. You really know how to make a fool of yourself.

I mentally slapped my self for being such an idiot. I composed myself and then sat down. Ethan chuckled before slumping down to the chair beside me. As he did, I couldn't help but check him out. He was wearing a blue plaid shirt, a tight fitting jeans and his navy blue converse. His hair was up in a cowlick, showing off his mesmerizing eyes. I then realized I was being a total creep staring at him so I averted my gaze to the book I was holding, a faint blush spreading across my face.

"You look really tired," Ethan said, concern evident in his voice.

"I know," I muttered. "Can we please get on with the lesson? It's not like I'm not suffering. I'm wearing these bloody contacts on."

Ethan stared, looking straight at me with those green eyes.

Great, he reminded of yesterday- again.

"Fine by me," Ethan smiled, showing off his perfect white teeth.

I felt like fainting.

What was it about him that made my heart skip a beat when he smiled?


A/N: Sorry it took a long time to upload chapter 8. And I'm really sorry if it's shorter and crappier.:( Have been really busy these past few days. Anyways. How's the story so far? Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.:) 400 reads and 100 votes for the next chapter? Can we do that? I hope we can!:))

Comment or vote if you think it deserves one.:D

Cee. xox

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