Chapter 11

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Ethan's POV

I messed up. I messed up real bad. 

That was all I could ever think about on the way to California. Five hours straight, that was the only thing I could think of. 

What was I thinking, kissing her like that? It was a mortal sin, even for me. She was my girlfriend's sister, for Pete's sake! Twin sister. Even if Summer was only for pretend. 

I think. 

Anyway, I couldn't sleep, no way. Every song in my iPod reminded me only of Samantha. 

"How can I move on when I'm still in love with you?"  -The Man Who Can't Be Moved, The Script

Skip. No way was I ever going to listen to that song right now. 

"Maybe that's the thing. Maybe that's the thing about us." -Thing About Us, Steve Moakler 

Was this iPod possessed or something? I checked around it, just to be sure. Nope, it wasn't possessed. 

"Passengers, this is your pilot speaking. We are about to land in about ten to fifteen minutes. Please buckle in your seatbelt and refrain from going to the plane's bathroom. Thank you," a voice above me spoke.

'Great, now I'm never going to sleep,'  I thought as I slumped back to my seat. 

After a few minutes, we arrived in California. Always-sunny California. 

As we got out of the building, a SUV drove up right to me. Of course it was him. Who else would it be? I smiled to see my deeply tanned friend and his golden hair.  

"ETHAN!!!! YOU GREW SOME GUNS!!" James shouted all the way from the backseat of his SUV. 

I laughed, looking at my old friend. It's been hard to believe we've been best friends since we were at least five years old. James Merryweather looked tanner than ever yet he still retained his douchebag smile.

Of course he had to. It wouldn't be James if he lost that smile. 

"I've been working out." I replied, not really knowing what he was talking about. It's been a year since we've seen each other.

"I understand," he smirked. "For the lay-days." 

I laughed. Oh, James. He never really did change. 

"Unfortunately for you, though, I've gotten a lot taller since I've seen you last year." I smirked back. 

"Oh, I don't really care." James said as he rolled his eyes. 

We both laughed. I ruffled his golden hair, which really did seem to glow in the sun. I looked at his pool blue eyes.

"You never did change, Ethan." James said. 

"Who said I did?" I said as I raised up an eyebrow. 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Up for another round?" James asked as he got another handful of popcorn from the bowl. 

"Nah," I muttered, putting down the controller. "I don't really feel like playing anymore." 

James stared at me in utter disbelief. 

"What?! You're turning down Slender?" he asked. 

I nodded my head slowly, as if it was the most obvious thing in this world. 

"Slenderman will haunt you tonight if you won't play." James whined. 

I rolled my eyes. "Sure he will." 

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