Chapter 4

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Sam's POV

Okay. Ethan Rivers is a pig. I mean, we were just reviewing, or I was reviewing for only five minutes when he suddenly wanted to be rude. And secondly, he was making out with someone and he freaking winks at me. Can he be anymore disgusting?

Ignore him, Sam. He's nothing in your life. Just another popular jock who would torment you the rest of your life.

Finally, it was time for Logan to treat me that ice cream he promised, and I couldn’t be any more excited to spend the afternoon with my only best friend. Even though I only had Logan, it was enough for me that I at least had somebody to relay on. Logan decided that we eat at this small ice cream shop a few blocks away from where I lived. I never actually tried eating there yet, but what’s there to lose? The store was called Cold Stone. It had a very welcoming interior design with very cheerful workers. Logan and I looked at it with awe as the workers flipped and tossed the ice cream, mixing it with other sweets to form their famous dish.

“What flavor do you want to take?” Logan asked, but I was barely paying attention to him. Right now, my attention was only focused on the numerous flavors there were. I was literally drooling on each kind, giving the cashier a disgusted look.

“Uh, can I help you?” The cashier hesitantly asked.

“Sure, give us a second,” Logan gave a small smile and gently pulled me aside. “I know you’re hungry and everything but can you please not…uh…drool?”

That comment made me snap back to reality and out of my fantasy. I gave Logan a sheepish smile before straightening up and trying to be posh like.

“Uhm, yes. I would like the Cookie Doughn’t You Want Some with Kit-Kat, Snickers, Reese’s, Crunch, Hershey and M&M’s. No wait, I also want the White Toblerone, Ferrero, Twix-“’

“She’ll have the Cookie Doughn’t You Want Some with all the toppings please,” Logan smiled at the cashier.

I dropped the façade and jumped up and down excitedly. After Logan ordered his choice of flavor, Oreo Overload, we both settled down in a booth in the far corner. We talked about everything random and just laughed it off. A few moments later, our ice cream arrived and all conversation was immediately ceased as we dig in our heavenly pleasure. When we were done, we argued a bit about who should pay until Logan shut me up with a lollipop. Grumpily, I went out the store, licking my lollipop as if there was no tomorrow.

“You should’ve let me pay,” I sighed, kicking a pebble in the process as they headed for the Black Mercedes.

“What kind of guy would I be if I made you pay?” Logan laughed, nudging me lightly.

“Still,” I shrugged and smiled a bit. “You did say you were treating me ice cream though.”

“What did I say?” Logan grinned as we went inside the car. I messed around Logan’s radio until we had an acceptable song in my opinion.

‘Hey I just met you..’

“Seriously, Sam? You could’ve chosen a better song. That one is so overused,” Logan sighed as he turned the radio off, “much better.”

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