Chapter 12

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Samantha's POV

The weekend cannot go any faster. 

I know. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually looking forward for school. Sleeping, eating and sleeping more isn't really considered fun.

And so is going to school.

Well, that's different.

You're just saying that because you get to see Ethan again.

That is not...completely true. Fine, I'll admit it. I'm looking forward for my tutor session with Ethan. How can I reject a moment with Kelson Academy's prized guy? Besides, not only am I looking forward to teach him, but I'm also looking forward to getting lost in those green mesmerizing eyes, seeing his pearly white teeth being shown off from his smile, his soft, silky hair running through my hands. And don't get me started on those red, kissable looking lips that would feel so-

WAIT. Hold up.

Why am I thinking about this things? I mean, yeah. He's perfect in every ways. But I don't like him that much, right?


And to top it off, he doesn't even like me. So it's not like I have a chance with him.


Maybe he just called me pretty because I look adorable. But not the cute kind of adorable but maybe the dog kind of adorable.

"Samantha Avalon,"

Or maybe because he might actually like me? But that's impossible right? I mean, he's dating my sister for Pete's sake, even though it's only fake dating. He can never possibly ever like-


I snapped out as I heard Summer shout my name in my ear. My face redden as I realize I just had a daydream about Ethan in the middle of breakfast.

"Uhm, yes?" I asked timidly, flashing a smile at my bewildered parents.

Dad cleared his throat before he began speaking. "As I said a while ago, your Mom and I will be bringing Noah to England for his school's convention."

My eyes widen. I wasn't aware of this.

Maybe if you kept yourself on earth rather than in your fantasy with Ethan, you would know.

I sighed. That, was unfortunately true.

"How about us?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. They didn't really think about leaving Summer and I alone, right?

"You girls will be eighteen in a couple  months, I think you're old enough on your own. But if you want, I can ask Mrs. Craig to baby-"

"No, you don't have to," Summer cut Mom off, showing her a sweet smile.

I gave Summer a disapproving look.

"I think we should," I chimed in.

"No we don't. We should be independent already," Summer smiled at me, but her eyes told a different story.

"Yes, we-"

I was cut off by a yelp coming from my own mouth. I looked down to see my foot being squashed by Summer's stilettos.

Wow, can she be anymore merciful? I thought as I rolled my eyes.

"-should be left alone. This can also be the time for us to be more closer, right Sam?" Summer nudged me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

She wrapped her arm around my shoulder. She freaking wrapped her arm around me. Just thinking about it gives me a shiver down my spine.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2013 ⏰

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