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I stood there, breathing in and out. I got this, Oz you have got this. You've been doing this all your life. There was nothing to worry about.

You had an amazing voice, lots of people came to watch you. Yeah, it seemed like I was living the singer dream, but actually....

.....I was only a psalmist at my local church.

You heard it right, I was a church singer. I wasn't anything special. It all started with singing.

My parents were really religious and found my voice really good, so they enrolled me in this church club and well, here I am, taking turns with the majority of middle aged couples who already had jobs while I was still going to take my first year of college next year.

You see it was summer break, and I was too excited to start my year in premed school. That's right I wanted to be a doctor someday.

"Goodluck Son." One of the church speakers, Adam say and I nod.

He was actually new here and he was a middle aged doctor who served part time here along with his wife. He had four children and lived a happy life. Oh how I wished I had his life in the future.

I was one of the way teenage speakers here, my other church group friends did other things. They sang in the choir, danced for charities and all that stuff. I was the only one who really spoke in mass.

Wow Oz what an achievement.

"Oz." The speaker beside me cues and my eyes widen when I realize that it's my turn.

Oh, right. My part.

I step up to the podium and look at the hundreds of people who came to mass. Wow, they were a lot. It didn't faze me anymore.

Easy there proud ass, they came to praise the lord, not to hear you sing it's not as if they knew you were going to anyway.

I roll my eyes at the thought and that's when I start to sing.

I hear the cues from the music and take a deep breathe, as the audience repeats what I say.

I start to sing again and the audience repeat.

I sigh, it was like this all the time but as holy as this sounds, I wouldn't trade serving the Lord for anything else.

Before I sing my last line, that's when I see it.

That dark hair, those brown eyes, that purple dress. Basically, that beautiful girl.

She stares right at me and I stay silent as I stare back at her. It was probably my imagination, but was there a possibility that this girl was staring at me back?

No, it couldn't be. I was just some random church singer.

"Umm, Oz." The next speaker mutters and that's when I realize that I was done a minute ago and immediately bow, stepping down from the podium.

Oh God, I did not just stand still infront of a hundred people for one straight minute.

Well I couldn't help it, she was just too distracting.

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