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Today was the party we threw every summer for future members of our youth club.

I know it was lame, nobody would want to party with religious losers. It seemed boring, but hey I've found a lot of friends along the way so its all good.

I would never quit the club, they were all important to me.

"You nervous? You're not singing you know? You're just helping the guests this year. Don't worry." My clubmate, Manny tells me.

I nod at him and sigh. I wasn't nervous I just wasn't in the mood. No offense to my group but I didn't think I was going to find new members here.

"Okay time to party." My other clubmate, Jenny says and opens the doors.

I'm impressed. A lot of people have turned up this year. This summer was probably boring with them that they'd spend time with these dweebs.

No offense, I love them. I've said that earlier.

"Welcome, hey." I greeted people and that's when it happened.

My opening was here. My actual shot in actually getting something I wanted.

She was actually here.

There she stood, in her pink velvet t-shirt that she obviously looked gorgeous in. She looked nervous, as if she was the ugliest thing in the room.

She wasn't though. She was far from that.

"Welcome." I muttered, hoping she didn't hear me and that's when I knew that she did.

She instantly looks up at me and gives me a simple dimpled smile.

And she had dimples? How much cuter could this girl get?

The name "Katia" was on her shirt and I instantly smile back at her.


"Is this where you sign up? I'm sorry, this is my first time." She asks and I instantly nod.

"Yeah." I mutter and she gives me another smile.

Wow, I was actually talking to her.

We weren't having an actual conversation, but hey it was a start.

. . .

"Okay, first we have to get to know each other. Let's all do something we probably all know, speed dating." Jenny says and everyone nods.

I see Katia, talking with her siblings who she's come with.

For some reason she's glued to them the whole time, as if they were her guards or something.

I guess the speed dating would help.

"Okay let's go." Jenny says and we take our seats.

I take my seat and my first "date" sits in front of me.

"Hi." He mutters and I nod at him, talking to him about random stuff.

I spy Katia, laughing at something Manny is telling her and they look like they know each other.

Wow, even Manny had a better chance with her.

Woah woah woah, Oz don't get overprotective she isn't yours. You barely know each other.

Suddenly we change partners and goes on two more times before I finally see her right infront of me.

"Hello again." She tells me and I nod, staring at her.

Wow, she's even more beautiful up close. Okay, don't be creepy Oz.

"Hey." I mutter and she smiles at me.

She looks really shy and smiles again, as if she has nothing to say but says something anyway.

"So, umm how long have you've been here?" She asks and I shrug.

"About 3 years." I say and she nods, expecting me to ask her something.

"So, Katia right? How are you liking the party?" I ask her and she shrugs.

She fumbles with the words and that's when I focus on other things. The way she bites her lip as she thinks of the next thing she says, the way she looks to the left when she's thinking.

"Umm, Oz? You okay?" She asks, reading the name from my name tag.

I nod and she smiles back.

"Okay, then what's your answer?" She asks and I fumble with my answer.

Oh no, I wasn't paying attention.

"Umm, I was going to say... umm, me too?" I mutter and her eyes go wide.

"You study at my all girl school too?" She asks with a giggle and I instantly shake my head.

Oh God.

"No, umm I meant that I study at an all guy school." I say and she nods slowly, I smile back at her and she places her elbows on the table, resting her chin on her hands.

"Well, Oz. You're an interesting guy. I loved your voice at mass by the way. I like to sing too." She says and mumbles the last part.

Wait, she notices my singing?

She looks as if she's said something weird and I look back to her.

"Umm, if you want we could jam or something. I've got instruments at my house you know?" I ask and she smiles at me.

"I'd love too. I play too by the way." She says and I smile at her.

Wow, did I really ask her out?

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