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The promise of getting wasted wasn't really fulfilled.

After I took that one drink, I felt really sick and had to go to the bathroom, Joey was laughing behind the door the whole time and had the nerve to bring a beer bottle with him.

I was a wimp, I know that.

"You okay dude? No more drinks for you!" I hear Joey say from behind the door and I finally get up, shaking my head.

The party was still going on, and I could still hear people chatting and laughing from inside the room.

I seriously wanted to get out of here.

"Come on dude! The night is still young, let's crash a party game or something." Joey says as soon as I get out of the room.

How was he still not messed up?!

We walk over to a small circle being made at the center of the room and Joey practically drags me.

"Got room for two more?!" Joey asks Abe, raising his bottle a bit.

Abe smiles up at him and claps him on the back.

"Sure no problem, bro." Abe says and we sit in the circle.

There was a bottle in the middle and I instantly panicked.

Oh no. Were we seriously going to play this?!

Spin the bottle?! That was so highschool!

"Seven minutes in heaven, woo!" Charles says, Katia next to him.

Oh fuck, even worse.

Sorry for swearing, it was just starting to get too much for me.

It was too late to back out now. I didn't want to look even more like a loser.

Curse you Joey.

Fortunately the bottle didn't land on me for all the turns before me. I guess the bottle just didn't like me.

Which I am extremely happy for, not gonna lie.

Suddenly I am zipped back to reality, Joey clapping me on the back next to me.

"It's your turn dude." Joey says and my eyes instantly widen.

Hell, no.

Abe suddenly laughs from across me, shaking his head.

"The dude looks like he'd piss his pants! Let's not push him if he doesn't want to." Abe says and Joey instantly shakes his head.

He pats me on the back and chuckles.

"Nah, he's just a little tipsy. He can do it! Go, Oz!" Joey says and a few more girls and guys start to cheer me on as well.

Well, that didn't pressure me at all.

"Go on, Oz! You can do it, it'll be private after all." Joey says with a wink.

What if it landed on a dude?!

I'm not homophobic or anything despite being a very religious church boy. I just didn't swing that way.

I mean if it was dude, I guess I could just go for a seven minute chat about life I guess?

Yeah, a chat about life. I could do that.

I grip the bottle in my hand, spinning it slowly, nervous for who it would stop on.

It starts to spin and my palms are sweating, the anxiety is killing me.

The bottle suddenly stops to the person next to me.

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