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I was an idiot, I got too distracted last time and why did I suddenly miss that girl all of a sudden?

I barely knew her. Heck, I didn't even know her name. I was obsessed and I felt like the creepiest stalker ever.

Damn, I was wasting my time. I was never going to meet her. This wasn't a movie.

If this was a stereotypical movie, we'd coincidentally be neighbors or be schoolmates some shit like that. We'd bump into each other and she'd spill all her shit and I'd help pick it up.

She'd stare at me, and I'd stare right back at her. We'd instantly fall in love and I'd miraculously see her somewhere else. That was what it would be like if this was a cliché movie.

But it wasn't a movie, and we weren't some characters in a story.

I was simply a church singer, and she was some gorgeous girl who didn't know I existed.

. . .

"Oz, come on. You're singing again. I hope you don't pause for a minute like last time." One of the lectors say again and I nod at her.

That wont happen again obviously. It wasn't as if I was going to see her again. I mean I hope I didn't.

Damn I felt possessed.

I immediately stood at my place and sang, looking around.

There she stood,staring back at me. Why did she have to be here again?

Well, she was catholic and I guess she needed to go to church every sunday, but did she have to look so damn gorgeous?

There she stood, now looking even prettier in simple clothes, not like the purple dress before. She still looked stunning, but something was different about her.

She was wearing make up now and to be honest she looked gorgeous even without it. But I had to admit, it made her even more gorgeous.

I started to sing my part and tried not to concentrate on her.

I fortunately got to finish without the one minute pause and smiled at the next speaker.

What an achievement.

Once I'm back in my seat, I turn to see the girl again. She's now focused on the next speaker, as she listens attentively.

Damn, the things I'd do to actually meet her.

Well, as I said earlier this wasn't some cliché story. I was a boy she was never going to know, and I'd never know her  name.

"Oz, that was great. You have an amazing voice." Adam tells me right beside me and I silently thank him.

I look back at the girl again and notice something about her. There she sat, with only her siblings who towered over her.

She was the shortest among all of them, which I weirdly found cute. I was quite short myself, standing only at 5'7 which made me short compared to most guys.

She looked to be 5'3 and she was the perfect height for me.

Ha, I'm saying that as if I had a chance.

. . .

"Oz right?" She asks and I nod.

Wait, what? Was she actually talking to me?

"Y-yeah, that's me." I say and she lightly giggles.

That giggle was the cutest I have ever heard.

"Well, I just have to say that you have an amazing voice and I'd like to hang with you sometime." She says and my heart stops.

Hang out? With me? How did I even get into this situation?

"Well, thanks and sure I'd like to hang." I say and she smiles.

Suddenly her eyes show a different emotion and she sighs, staring at me.

She places her hand on my shoulder and I blink at her, adjusting my glasses on my nose.

She laughs at my nervousness and places both hands on my cheeks.

"You're too funny, Oz. Looking forward to our hang out." She says and I simply nod.

Suddenly she inches closer to me, her lips inches from mine.

"Woah woah woah, we just met." I say, pushing her slightly away from me and she nods, giggling.

She pulls away, dropping her hands and she places them on my chest, looking up at me.

"Well, I've got something to tell you, Oz." She says and I nod.

She places her lips right next to my ear and sighs.

"You need to get up." She says and I stare at her weirdly.

Wait what?

. . .

I immediately get up and see that I'm in my bedroom.

Damn it, I should've known that it was all a dream.

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