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Basically there's this party that my blockmates host every year. Being the major introvert that I am, I never go.

Sure I have friends, but these people didn't like me at all. However they did like Katia I guess.

Everyone liked her.

This is my second year as a college student and yet I couldn't bring myself to hang out with these people. I was satisfied being alone and for what it's worth, I didn't want to go because I didn't want to see Katia talking it up with those douchebags.

I mean I went to pre-med to get decent grades and graduate to fulfill my dream. I didn't go to make friends or party.

Katia though is having no problems at all balancing her school life and social life. I swear she wasn't human at all.

Probably a goddess or something.

"Hey Oz, you going later? Or are you staying home an playing your guitar or something?" My friend Joey asks me.

Joey has been my first friend here at college, he was my roommate too which meant that we were really close.

"The latter." I tell him and he frowns, rolling his eyes at me.

Ofcourse he'd react that way. I mean he was a party guy. He had a decent social life, well better than mine. He loved the thrill I guess.

"Come on, she'll be there. You can meet new people to forget about her." He says and I frown at him.

Joey being my only friend at college, meant that he was the only one who knew I had history with Katia. Nobody knew I had a thing with her last summer.

I guess it had to stay that way. I mean, it would ruin her reputation if people knew I had been with her before.

No one would believe me about her either. She was way too out of reach.

"Joey, forget it. I need to move on anyway. The more I see her, the more I'll want her back. That won't be good for either of us." I tell him and he frowns. 

He shakes his head and sighs.

"Oz, you have to start thinking less about her and more about you. The way you think about what's going to happen to her every time you make a decision is insane. It's as if you're her guardian angel or something." Joey says and I roll my eyes at him.

Maybe I should stop thinking about how everything affects her and just do what I want for a change without thinking about the consequences.

I sigh, shrugging.

"You're right. I'll give it a shot." I tell him and his eyes widen, looking at me suddenly.

He pats me on the back and looks at me in confusion.

"Y-you serious bro? That's amazing! Let's go get ready at six. It'll be fun, trust me." Joey says and I nod, looking over to see Katia staring at me.

I probably looked worried right now since I was already regretting my decision.

She mouths a "you okay?" and I nod at her.

She gives me a reassuring smile and I smile back at her.

Joey notices my field of vision and I shake my head from her. He rolls his eyes and sighs, knowing what I had to do.

"Forget about her man. She probably moved on already." Joey says and I nod, noticing that she's already talking to a different guy who has approached her table not too long ago.

I nod at Joey and get up from my seat, walking out the classroom for break time.

. . .

"I don't think this is a good idea anymore, Joey. I'll just drop you off and I'll be on my way." I tell him and he shakes his head, chuckling at my nervousness.

I didn't like this one bit! Joey already had plans to party in some after party and crash at his other friend's house.

"I'm not letting you leave until I see you chugging down at least five whole drinks." He says and I look at him as if he's grown another head.

He chuckles at me and immediately gets out of the car, quickly moving to my side and opening the car door.

I roll my eyes at him and he offers his hand, which I decline and he pouts at.

"Was just trying to be a gentleman, jeez." He says and I roll my eyes at him, chuckling at him.

We walk into the party and I see that the house is packed.

There are people dancing in the middle of the room, while most people are drinking on the sides.

Most people were already trashed and Joey and I weren't even too late.

Lots of people looked to be surprised that I was even here.

I know, It wasn't my scene and they were much more used to me with my head in a book or raising my hand to answer a question or something.

I practically felt like an alien here, I didn't belong here at all.

"Come on Oz, let's get you wasted!" Joey says, dragging me to a corner.

I follow him and that's when I spot her.


She was beautiful as ever, her dark long hair cascading down her shoulders. She was smiling like she did when we were together last summer, when she'd laugh at something weird I had said.

She was wearing a fairly short brown checkered skirt which was I guess in fashion, and a simple black tank top which showed a little cleavage, but was still modest I guess.

Unfortunately, she wasn't alone.

She was perched on someone's lap, laughing at what he was saying.

No, it wasn't Abe, although she hanged with him a lot.

Right now it was Charles Daner, he was in our class too. He was apparently also good at football which was our P.E. class this semester.

"That's crazy." I hear Katia say, laughing at what he had to say and I sigh.

Why didn't I just go home and keep playing guitar or something?

"Bummer, dude." I hear Joey say next to me as he sees what I was looking at.

He places his hand on my shoulder and I see him hand me my first drink of the night, waiting for me to take it.

You know what? Why the hell not?

I take the drink and immediately down it, feeling the burning sensation instantly.

I suddenly see Katia turn to me on Charles' lap, looking concerned for me.

I turn away from her, shaking my head.

Joey was right, I was going to get wasted.

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