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I woke up earlier than Katia did.

I mean, I had to so she wouldn't freak out when she found me next to her.

Katia was also not a morning person. She didn't wake up until 1 PM on weekends.

I know that because we used to date, obviously.

I cooked breakfast in the morning and called Joey earlier.

He was quite surprised to say the least. He also agreed to leave his friend's house at a later time after Katia left.

I suddenly hear the door swing open and turn to see Katia's shocked expression, as she gasps and I sigh, turning the stove off and walking to her cautiously.

I was obviously expecting this reaction, I just didn't expect her to wake up this early.

"Katia, let me explain..." I start to say but she cuts me off.

"A-are we at your condo?! Oh my God, holy fuck, why am I in your shirt?!.....Did we...?" She asks, not completing what she says and I  sigh, instantly shaking my head.

She was in a state of panic all right.

That was okay, I practiced this conversation in my head while I was cooking. I was totally prepared.

"Yes we are. Nothing happened between us and my roommate, Joey isn't coming home  until 5 PM." I calmly tell her and she gasps.

What was surprising about that?!

"Oh my gosh, your roommate had to crash at someone else's house because of me?! Oh no, this is so embarassing. Poor Joey!" She says, not relaxing for even a bit.

I sigh and raise my hands up at her.

She starts to pace the room and I see that it is not helping her calm down or catch her attention.

"Katia." I call out to her, trying to let her stop pacing.

She still continues and walks back to my room frantically.

Ughh, why was she so worried? Did she need to be somewhere?

She returns again, looking around as if to look for something.

"Where are my stuff? I need to go. Tell Joey that I'm leaving. I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have drank that much." She says and I shake my head at her, as she continues to look for her things.

"Katia, Joey originally planned to crash at his friend's place. You didn't cause that. Relax, Katia. I tell her and she stops, looking up at me and nodding.

She inhales and exhales, nodding.

She places her hands over her heart and sighs.

"Okay, that's good. I-I still need to go though,  I don't want to intrude." She says and I shake my head.

I pull out a seat for her and motion to the breakfast I was preparing.

"I cooked for us. Just eat something before you leave." I tell her and she offers me a small smile, shaking her head.

She shuffles a bit and lets out a small laugh.

"It's okay, Oz. You're too kind. I just need to go." She says and I sigh, shaking my head.

"Katia, it's fine. I'll give you your stuff after we eat. Deal?" I ask her and she looks at me in thought.

She finally sighs, nodding and walks over to the seat I pulled out for her.

I smile softly down at her and walk to the pan, serving her a plate and sitting across from her.

It was still weird that she was here.

It was as if nothing changed and she was spending time at my apartment like before.

I always had to tell myself that it wasn't like before.

She was only staying because I told her to, not because she wanted to like a few summers ago.

When I handed her a plate, she silently thanked me and looked down at the plate.

I know how she liked her eggs.

"Scrambled, not sunny. You remembered." She says, a little bit impressed, a small smile framing her face.

I smile back at her and shrug.

"It's nothing, I don't really prepare eggs for anyone else." I tell her and she chuckles lightly at me.

We eat our food in comfortable silence, until she sighs, looking up at me.

"Oz, did I... did I say something while I was drunk? I tend to say things, weird things when I am. I just want to make sure I didn't say something embarassing." She says, looking down at her plate and frowning.

I instantly remember it all.

I still love you, Oz.

Should I bring it up?

Did I want to know if she meant what she said? Yes, obviously.

But did I also need to move on from her and keep a civil relationship just in case this was going to get awkward if I brought it up? Also yes.

I really wanted to know if she really meant it.

I guess I knew what to do then....

"Nah. You just slept the whole way back." I tell her and she sighs in relief, placing her hands on her chest with a smile.

I didn't want her to carry the burden that she actually said she still loved me. I didn't want her to have to be awkward around me after she tells me she didn't mean it.

I just wanted to make sure Katia was okay.

Here I was again, putting Katia first before my own needs.

I couldn't help it.

That's what happens when you're inlove I guess. You put their needs before yours.

And I was still hopelessly in love.

"You don't know how much of a relief that is to hear." She says and I nod, laughing with her as she chuckles in relief.

I guess that really put her at ease.

She gives me a big smile and I see that she has finished her plate, nodding.

"I had a lovely time, Oz. You know what? We should hang out some time. I missed jamming out." She says and wipes her mouth with a napkin near her.

I nod and smile at her.

"I'd like that." I tell her and she smiles back at me.

"I missed hanging out with you. I mean, it's not as if we can't be friends right? Exes can be friends right? I mean, if it's okay with you, I don't want to intrude if you're like busy or something?" She says and I shake my head.

I cringe at the fact she brought up being exes.

"Sure, I mean it's been two years." I tell her as if it's nothing and she nods, smiling at me.

It's been two years and I still hadn't moved on.


Or had it been two years and we still hadn't moved on?

That's right I was too much of a coward to confirm that.

She stands up from her seat and claps her hands together.

"Yeah, umm. So, I guess I have to go now. Thanks for breakfast, I loved it. I told my dad I'd visit so..." She says and I nod, walking over to get her things and hand them to her.

She smiles and I tell her she could change in the bathroom.

When she's done she walks out in the same dress as last night and I walk her to the door.

"Thank you, Oz. I'll see you around school, yeah?" She asks and I nod.

"Yeah, see you." I tell her and she nods, walking out the door.

I guess I'll never know weather she meant what she said or not.

Ughh, Oz you fool!

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