Ch. 27-Quests to Save A Soul

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Percy's POV

I felt the change in the air and the presence of a god. Thunder rolled across the sky, and lighting shot a few feet away from Bella, and she jumped. A shadowy figure formed in the smoke.

Oh no, not him again.

"Isabella Swan, show yourself." He thundered.

What did he want with Bella?


Bella's POV

I shivered once and stepped forward where he could see me and also unfortunately have a good shot at me.

"I am she."

Hades looked right at me,fire burning in his eyes. He came closer and I covered my face from the heat that was radiating from his body.

"Hmmm.So you are my niece. "

"Um, I suppose so." I replied shakily.

"I have a deal for you, Isabella."

I was about to ask what deal when I heard my name being called. I turned to find Percy running towrds me, sword drawn.

"Ah,Percy Jackson. We meet again." Hades said.

"Yeah. Hi" He replied shortly.

"Unfortunately I am not here for you.Isabella Swan, your friend Jacob Black is not dead."

"Yeah I know I just saw him." I pointed out.

Percy's hand landed on my shoulder."Bella, he stopped breathing by the time he reached the infirmary."

"W-What?" I cried in outrage."WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I screamed at the god.

" I did nothing.He died of his on achord, but I have his soul.Trapped with me." He thundered and a pile of dust swarmed at his feet.Jacob emerged from the pile.


"Jacob!" I called and reached for him, but he simply disappeared.

"No!No!No! Bring him back! YOU BRING HIM BACK RIGHT NOW!" I screamed, tears running down my cheeks and Percy put his arms around me.

"I shall bring your friend back, only if you bring me something in return."


"In two weeks on this same day at sun down, I will be here once again.You must bring me the golden fleece.Use it to heal your barrier and then it's mine." Hades said.

"The golden fleece?"Percy asked." It's real?"

" Indeed Percy Jackson, Indeed.Find it, bring it to me, and I will give you back your friend.What do you say? "

I didn't hesitate to say yes.


AN: So Bella is making a deal with a god. Kinda a deal with the devil.Hmm.Vote and comment please, now from here on out I might get a little off on the adventures on the sea of monsters because I am going on memory. Hope yall liked it . Don't forget to follow to, that couldn't hurt.


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