Chapter 1- Tour Day

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Your POV
I woke up and got dressed then I heard an unsettling noise coming in a room not too far from mine. I go to check it out and its Denis sleeping crazyly, I never knew he had bad snoring problems.(lol) I went down to make some brakfast and thought about my dream. My mom passed a few years ago from skin cancer, and my dad died in a terrible car crash coming home from the bar one day. I lived with my aunt and uncle for awhile until they thought I was old enough to live on my own. Then they gave me this mansion, I've been living here ever since. Then I heard somone coming down the stairs. "Goodmorning Y/N" Denis said with a big a smile. "Your exited aren't you" I said laughing. He nodded and left to the couch and turn on SpongeBob, I finished making breakfast and called Denis to come eat. I told him about my dream and almost broke into tears but I held all my emotions back. He smiled and said "Yea I miss her too she was always kinda hot." I dont know why but that made me laugh really hard.

Denis's POV
We finished eating then I told her "Do you think we should leave at about... 3:30?" "Yea sounds good" She said with a little sadness in her voice. I felt really bad for her, losing her mom and all and I constantly try to cheer her up with some funny jokes. She asked me if I would be in one of her videos with her I accepted and we went to go record. The whole video was mostly just us laughing at random videos. She was pretty good at everything like the intro, outro ,and especially the editing she did not make even one mistake there. I was pretty amazed (no offence Flebsy) I really liked her editing. When we finished recording she posted it and started packing again. It was currently around two and we had to get going we packed and left for Massachusetts.

Your POV
When we left we put on some songs and started jamming out we talked and laughed the whole way there. We might as well have some fun time before being surrounded by a whole bunch of people. We got to our hotel pretty quick since we weren't far away from it it probaly took us 4 hours or so. When we got all settled in we ate out at (your fav restraunt). The food was so good we went back to our hotel room and got some sleep. We woke up got ready and agreed to get our day started with some Starbucks. I guess there was a really bad crash near our hotel because there was alot of cops and broken glass and metal I was really suprised. The way to Starbucks was blocked off and there was no other way there so we went to go eat at a buffet breakfast place. We left on full stomachs, I also never noticed how tall Denis was until these past two days. We had to leave for pax at about six so we did some shopping, we were noticed alot at the store so many little kids and occasionally some teens greeting us and taking selfies and stuff. Denis told me that one of his friends were going to be at Pax when we get there so I was excited to meet him, Denis was too he never actually met him in real life yet so this was a big thing for him. I never watched any Youtube videos, I just posted alot of them. Once we got done it was around five so we went back to our hotel and got ready, it took me awhile because I had to do make-up and hygene problems and stuff. By the time I got done it was time to go to Pax. We got inside and this dirty blonde hair dude greeted Denis, He was really cute. I hope I was not staring. Denis brought me back into reality and introduced him to me. His name is Elijah, Elijah Best, I feel like I've heard that name before. We went on with the night until it ended, Elijah walked up to me and he said "Um.... can I have your number?" "Yea im it's 555-555-5555" he thanked me and walked of and I saw him secretly fist pump. Denis laughed "Do I see a new ship forming?!" "Be quiet Denis" I said laighing then i pushed him, he fell to the floor playfully "Get in the car" I said rolling my eyes. Then I saw her.
My old friend Elias.

Sorry for the short chapter again I'll try to post daily this seems like its going good pretty good so far


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