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I wote this in a month. Im ending it now... or later, im not sure yet. But that wasn't the ending. I also might be making a squeal for this book, it it reaches 500 reads! I know it wont but its definitely somthing worth wishing for! Keep that in mind though, promise! Also! Check out my other books while you wait. Also check out these people!






They are simply AMAZING people and I love thier stories!!

Now... on with the probaly... last chapter of this book, or series. It depends. It depends on YOU!! And please vote for this chapter if you have liked it THANK YOU ALL!!



Your POV
The only two couples of the house went on a double date. We were out on a patio, it was private. It was also at a sunset time so it was beautiful. Fairy lights were hanging all around us and there were plants on every corner of the patio. I couldn't imagine anywhere else we could hold this date. It was simply perfect.

"So, its kinda boring, sombody... please brigng up a subject." Zarriah wined. "Um... so I was thinking about getting a pet for the house. Maybe like an inside cat?" I said. I've been thinking about that for awhile now. "That would be really nice, im sure Denis would love it." Elijah said while laughing. We all had a great time until the queen of drama had to bring something up. "I know its kind of a touchy subject but, what was your dream about?" Zarriah asked. "Well, long story short. I got Y/N pregnant, we all got a dog named Shaggy, last but not least you and Braden were sex crazed people." Zarriah nodded, trying to hold in a smile. "Nice, sounds realistic." Corl joked.

After we got our food and ate it like elephants, we went to the beach. The sounds of the water and the wind was perfect at night. Its somthing I always wanna hear and feel.

"Hey Corl, lets take a quick walk real quick." Zarriah said. They got up and left. Me and Elijah got in the trunk of my truck and layed down. "Aren't the stars almost the most beautiful thing ever?" Elijah asked me. "What could be more beautiful than them?" I asked back. "You." He said. I scooted near him and put my head on his shoulder. I started to hum the song 'I wouldn't mind it' by He is We. Elijah is all I could think about right now. Considering that he is right next to me. I could hear his breaths and I could feel his heart beat. At a steady pace. "I love you Elijah." "I love you too Y/N. I will forever."

I closed my eyes and thought about all we have been through. Thinking about it made if feel like it has only been at least a month. Its almost one whole year already.

I was thinking so much, I didn't realize that I fell asleep. I was sleeping until I heard somthing big pop.

"What in the world was that?" I lifted my head off of Elijah's chest. He was still asleep. He was a really heavy sleeper anyways. I looked over the edge and took a look of what popped. Which happened to be our tire, caused by the one and only Elias. "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked. "Y'know... playing with your emotions and trying to get my man back." Wait a second... back? "What are you talking about, get you man back?" Im so confused. "Elijah started dating me after you left. I knew he liked you so I got really happy when you moved. Now that your back, I don't want you here, hunny." She knew that Elijah didn't like her anymore. He already moved on and forgot about his life with her. "Elijah doesn't like you any more, I dont know why you keep trying." I tried to tell her off so many times but it never works.

"What the hell is going on here?" I heard Zarriah. I didn't let my eyes leave Elias. "This skank came back for more." I said. "Elijah, wake up. How the hell are you still sleeping?" I felt Zarriah shake him.

One of those beach ranger people dove over to us in his four weeler. "Is this lady causing you any trouble?" He asked. "Yes alot. She popped our tires and stalks my boyfriend." I said in an attitude. "Alrighty, vome with me, miss." He took Elias with him. "Fuck, finally." I said very relived. "Yup but you already know thats shes gonna be at it again." Corl said. "Thats true, I'll keep that in mind, my dude." I said sarcastically.

We went to a store and bought one of those air pumps for your car tires and aired it up. We went home and watched some shows. I didn't see the other guys today so I guess that they went out. After an hour or two, Zarriah and Corl got really touchy and went upsairs. I cuddled against Elijah.  "I love you, Elijah. Theres just too many resons why, I can't explain." I said to him. "Y/N, I love you too, I always will. Promise me that whatever happend in our lives, you will always be there for me. I'll do the same for you." I stared into his eyes. "I promise." Elijah leaned in to kiss me. I leaned in to the kiss.

One day, we will be ready for a kid and we will grow old. Hopefully that day comes. I can't live life without him, I love him.

I'll love him "Forever"


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wrong outro...




what is wrong with me...

i dont want to end this....





Lots of Love From

Prinke Pop


Kiss Kiss




"Forever" (Sketch x Reader) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now