Chapter 12- Couple Wars

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Your POV
When I was done washing clothes and stuff, I made dinner. It wasn't my best dish ever but, you know... im not Chef Ramsey. Everyone liked it, except for me. I felt really nauseous, i've been like that gor a few days. I haven't been sick either. Nobody knows, im good at hiding these kind of things. I think Denis is on to me though. He has been asking if im okay and stuff like that. Im not okay. Especially not right now. Its coming.

I run to the nearest restroom and do my buissness. Was it because of the food? Wait, I didn't even eat. I've been healthy for about five years straight. I haven't been throwing up like this since I was fifteen. I stayed in the restroom for about an hour but I still didn't feel good. I couldn't throw up anymore. I flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth.

When I walked out, I didn't see anybody. "Elijah! Denis! Ethan!" I yelled. None of them came, they probaly left me. I got a cup of water, went upstairs and layed down on mine and Elijah's bed. Thats weird. There were no blinds or curtans. The T.V was smashed and the closet was empty with the door open. I get up and check our bathroom. All of my cosmetics were there but Elijah's weren't. Were did everybody go? I forget about my sickness and go outside. All the cars are gone, the park that was infront of the house was tore apart. We lived in a neighborhood, so I knocked on my neighbors door. Nobody answered. I tried several other doors, nobody answered. The whole world faded into a light gray shade. I felt heavier and fell to the floor. I closed my eyes and cried.

"Y/N!" Somebody said while shaking me. I opened my eyes and relized that I was in the bathroom. I looked up at Elijah.

"Come on, get up." He said. I stood up then he picked me up bridal style and laid me on our bed. I was too tired to notice that the room was still really blank. "Thank y-" I got cut off by Elijah "Sssshhhhh, you need sleep, no talk." I did what he said and fell asleep.

I woke up again (Wait whats going on here, lol!)in a diffrent room though. It was more vibrant and it had all of our stuff in it. I felt heavier, defantly. I see Elijah next to me, playing on his phone. In the room next to us I hear cooing. (if you dont know what 'cooing' is its where a couple or two people talk to eachother like babies.) Whos room was that again? Oh it was Corls. I look at Elijah and he gets the idea. We start cooing over louder. We hear Zarriah and Corl laughing. All of a sudden Zarriah is at our door. Corl comes behind her, he was as red as a tomato and his hair was really messy. Me and Elijah laugh.

"Girl, you want to play that game?" Zarriah asks "What game?" I ask acting stupid. Zarriah looks at me like she was ready for battle. "I challange you, Y/N and Elijah to a couples battle." I looked at her and said "Challange acceped!" I say getting up. I was heavier, i didn't mind though. I was too involved in the challange. We sat at the kitchen table. We made Alex be the judge and host of the, what now is 'The Couples Games'. I don't know why Alex named it that but it was catchy.

"Okay everybody, the first challange is feeding eachother, whoever is the cutest wins!"

We each got a plate of doughnuts and two forks. Everybody looked at Alex.

"What? I was on a budget, okay?" I shrugged and laughed.

We started. Elijah and me did that thing where you interlock you arms and give eachother the food. Zarriah and Corl were just feeding eachother the normal way. Corl laughed then Zarriah started laughing. They fed eachother more then kissed. Zarriah fell from the chair and gasped.

"Are you okay? Im so sorry!" Corl asked
"No I am not, Corl! You took the freaking doughnut out of my mouth!"

I start laughing and ask Corl "Did you really!". He laughs and nods.

"Well, that was cute... in a weird way. The winner of the first round is... Zarriah and Corl!" I help her up and she sits back down, saying somthing to Corl. He turned red then laughed.

"The next challange is, Drumroll.... Couple Gaming!" Alex announced. "Oh we are going to kick you to DUST!" Zarriah said. We'll see about that.

We were playing Move or Die, on seprate consoles. The first couple to die looses. So if I die and Elijah is still alive, and Corl and Zarriah die, we win. Then thats exactly how the game went. WE WON!

"The winners for the second round is... Elijah and Y/N!" Yyyyeeeesssss we have four rounds! Only two more to go! "The third round is... KISSES!" Alex said

"Ready... Steady.... G..... GO!" That tease! Me and Elijah didn't just kiss we were making out. I open my eyes and Zarriah is laying on the table with Corl on top of her kissing like crazy. This was no competition, I gave up. But Elijah pulled me back in.

"Jesus, Corl. That wasn't just cute, that was hawt!" Alex said weirdly. "We already know the winners of this round!" He high-fived Zarriah and Corl.
I knew it, this got my mind off of my dream. But I kept telling myself to remember it. It was probaly imporant.

"Time for the last challange!" Alex said. I wonder what it was. "Baby names!!" He said. I was suprised. We wrote on a piece of paper our baby names





Alex took a good look at the paper carefully. He made faces of suprisement and confusion. Then he turned to Corl and Zarriah. Dangit, I thought we would of won. "Good luck next time Zorl!" I was so suprised. Zarriah and Corl sighed. Alex turned to us "Good job Elijah and Y/N!" We actually won!! "Don't worry Corl, just you can make anything cuter. At least in my eyes!" Zarriah said laughing. Corl kissed her then picked her up. She wraped her legs around him. "WOAH WOAH WOAH! Slow down there. You only got together a few weeks ago!" I say while laughing. Corl just shrugged then put her down a minute later.

"What now? Im so bored!" I say. "Let's have a double date and go to the movies!" Elijah said. We agreed. We were going to see The Incredibles 2 . We all got in the car. When I say all I mean, me, Elijah, Corl and Zarriah. Elijah drove and I sat in the passengers seat. He held my my hand the whole way there. We decided to go eat before watching the movie. We stopped at McDonalds, it was packed with kids. They were so cute! One came up to me and tagged me. I tagged Elijah, Elijah tagged Corl. Corl tagged Zarriah then Zarriah tagged a random person. She looked around fourteen. She looked at me, Elijah and Corl wide eyed.

"Hey aren't you those Youtubers? My brother watches you so much! Can I get a picture to show him, he isn't here right now." "Sure!" She took a picture of me, Elijah and Corl. Zarriah just stood there smiling. When she left, Zarriah looked at us and said "I bet that happens alot." "No, it acually dosent."

We get our food and take a seat. The same little kid came up to me and said "My mommy told me to stop messing with you!" "Okay tell your mommy we said thank you!" He left and we hurried out. We brought our food with us. "Aawww Elijah he was so cute!" Elijah smiled at me then kissed my head. We ate the rest of our food then went to movies. It was the best movie ever. I don't think Corl or Zarriah payed attention to the movie much. They were sucking eachothers faces the whole time. It was late so there were probaly not that many children.

When we left I asked them "Soo how was the movie?" They looked at eachother red faced then giggled. "I was watching it the whole time, it was sexy! Who knew Zarriah could have her own movie?"Corl said. "Corl, that was cheesy!" Elijah teased. "No it was cute!" Zarriah agrued. They started to make out again. "Jeez get a room you two!" I laughed when I said that. "We'll have one when we get back to the house!" Corl said, while laughing. Zarriah's face turned red. I looked at Elijah and laughed.

We were having a good life


HEY HEY hope you liked the chapter! It wasnt my best, but definitely my longest



Prinkle Pop

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