New Years Day (not really) pt 3

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Your POV (after Denis left the kitchen)
The moment was after that was... well... akward.

"Goodnight Elijah, we have a big day ahead of us" I said as I walked up the stairs to avoid the tensions. I really should have told Denis earlier. That shouldn't effect him that bad, Right?

I hear a door shut. Elijah must be taking a walk, Just understand him fully. After somthing like that happened I would want to get it off my mind too. Then I got a text from somody random.

U=Unknown  Y=You

U- You shouldn't of let him go, Y/N

Y- Who is this? Who are you talking about?

U- Isn't it obvious, Y/N? How dumb can you be? No wonder he left you and came to me.

Y- Answer the question before I call the police

U- Its me, Elias


U- With me, he doesn't love you anymore, Y/N. You better believe me

Y- its not true.


U- It's as real as the clouds in the sky

Y- Then why would you text me instead of Elijah?

U- He dosent want to talk to you anymore.

Out of text

It's not true. It can't be. I tushed downstairs put on shoes and out the door. Where would Elijah go. To the park of course. I arrive at to the park and I see what looks like Elias and Elijah about to kiss. I stare as I break down into tears. Making no noise so they wont see me. I rush back home and sit on the couch. Can I have a knife or a razor or somthing? AM I EVEN GOOD ENOUGH FOR HIM? Im not. If he just leaves me like that. (Lol dont cut yourself. Ur BUTIFUL as you are:))

Bradens's POV
I wake up to what sounds like crying I wnt to invesagate. Looks like right here we have a wild crying Y/N. Don't spook her or she'll hate you for life, kids.

"Hey sweetheart whats wrong" (Im sorry I just love it when Braden calls people 'sweetheart') "E- El- Elijah" "What?!?" She lools at me and her eyes are red and her face is all blotchy. "Aww its ok Y/N. Whatever he did to you just shows that he isn't good enough for you." " Your right Corl, thanks" she continues crying. I hear sombody opening the door. I give him a death stare, after him and Y/N say some things, idk I wasn't listening, he went upstairs looking really misriable.

"Im going to talk to him ok?" I ask Y/N. She nods her head. I walk into Elijah's room.

"What did you do to Y/N?! You hurt her really bad!" I scream wisper. "Look Braden, I can tell you the whole story you just... have to listen ok?" "Let it loose Lover Boy"

He tells me the whole story. It all makes since, the text messages, everything.
"Well you have to tell Y/N." "It won't matter anyways, she'll never believe me. Whatever Elias told her is unforgivable."

I hear a small and hurt voice behind me say "Elijah I- im so sorry. I should of talked to you before taking all out. I heard everything, and I believe you." I also relized the rest of the guys were behind me listening. I wonder if they knew yet... Welp they know now. Y/N runs toward Elijah and hugs him "im sorry Y/N" then I see that he was crying too. "Aaaawwwwwwww" said all the guys in unison. That was weird.

"So are we all made uo here?" Elijah nods his head but he's still holding onto Y/N. She was asleep.

"Well I guess I should go to bed" I say
The guys agree and heas to thier rooms.

* Time Skip To Tonight*

Denis's POV
It was really random but I understand it. That girl Elias was not going to leave Elijah and Y/N alone. I bring myself back to reality to see ten seconds left on the count down 9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... "HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE" I scream

(Did I forger to mention that Beynn and Alex came in the morning?)

I have a big feeling that this year was going to be really hard to get through but if we make the right steps, we'll make it through good.

That wasnt going to happen



HEY HEY if sombody is even reading thas I thank you so much. I really hope you enjoy this book. I am woking really hard on it

I only posted twice to day because I was really bored and I posted really early then.


Prinkle Pop

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