Chapter 19- Problems

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Elijah's POV
As we were walking to the waiting room, I hear sombody call my name. I turn around to see a doctor.

"Mr. Elijah Best?" "Yes, thats me.". He looked at his clipboard and said, "Your wife, er, your girlfriend has lost a baby, the girl, her lungs failed from the early delivery. She was too small to be put on a breathing machine. Im so sorry, there was nothing we could do..." My eyes started to water. "A - and the boy?" I managed to say. I couldn't take this. I just wanted to raise a happy family with Y/N. Nothing ever goes my way.

"Hey buddy, im not saying that everything is okay, its far from that. Im just trying to say that everything that is happening right now, we will be able to put all of this behind us. We, you, all of us will be able to recover from this." I could tell that he was about to cry.

I sat down and put my head inside of my hands. I didn't want to go through this right now... it was hard. I heard a phone go off and I looked at Corl. He awnsered his phone then walked out of the room. I laid back and sniffled. After a minute or two, a doctor walked in and said, "Y/N is open for visitors. If you would like too." I got up then the other family did too. Just then, I realised that all of them looked alot like Y/N. That was her family, I remembered that she told me that her parents passed, way before I met her.

"You must be Y/N's family, yes." I asked they all nodded. How did they find out that she was here? The biggest and oldest man gave me a dirty look. It was probaly her uncle.

I started walking towards the room the doctor told me to go into. I saw     Y/N lying on the bed, covered in tears and blood. "Hey baby, are you okay?" Then she busted out in tears. "No Elijah, im not. We lost a child, I didn't want to go through this!" Why was she mad at me?! "Its all your fault! I dont want you anymore! JUST LEAVE ME ALREADY!! HAVE YOU NEVER GOT THE POINT?!??!" I started ti cry and I pushed through all of the people. What did I do wrong. She was happy to have a family. Now shes blaming all of this on ME!

I walked out of the door and across the street. I was too lost inside of my thoughts to check for cars. I regret it. I heard screeches and yelling. Then I felt simthing bump into me, and pain. Then I blacked out. 

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