Chapter 3- Somthing Forming

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Ethan's POV
As I walk up the stairs and go into my room I hear Elijah open the door and greet someone. Its probably that girl Elijah has been talking about. Its funny, I mean its only been a couple of hours and he is already in love with her. She must be a great girl if Elijah falls for her, he almost does not like ANYBODY. She is going to be really lucky to have somebody like him. Sometimes I get jealous of Elijah because he has such good hair and personality. I would try to change but then I would be copying my twin brother and thats really annoying. I have all the girls anyways, or is it just because I look like Chance Sutton (he actually does)?

Your POV
We laugh about things that dont even make sense. I wonder if he still remembers the play tradegy. I look into his eyes which are a deep hazel. His smile is also really cute, he catches me staring and I quickly look away. There was a really akward silence until Elijah coughed and said "so... um... do you wanna be in my video tommorow?". "Vide- oh, I almost forgot you were a youtuber but back on track sure. Whats it gonna be about?" I say. He coughs and says "Just like roblox and stuff"
Yup there another akward silence. I laugh and say"Do you have a cold or bad cough or somthing?" He responds with a quick "no" then I bust out laughing. I dont know why but he starts laughing too. I wonder if he likes me, of he does and he isn't making any moves I totaly understand. Its way too early to do anything for a relationship. If he dosent like me, I dont even know what to say about it. We start talking again and play around on his Xbox. We play things lile Call of duty and weird games that dont make sense at most times. Then I get a call, its Denis. He must me coming over to pick me up. After a while he shows up at the front door and acts like he lost me saying things like "oh my gosh where were you!". I saw Elijah silently laughing to him self. We say our good byes then me and Denis leave and get back home. "So what did you two do over there, OH MY GOSH did yall make out?!?" Denis squeals "Shut up Denis you sound gay." I say playfully, he acts offended then says "Goodnight Y/N, today was long." "Goodnight Debbie" I say as I lay my head on my pillow and instantly fall asleep.

I also fall into deep thoughts

There are so many other people on this Earth. The Earth is huge. Trees are bigger than me. Clouds are higher than the trees tops. The ocean. Land. The whole world. Then I fall in love with one boy. Elijah Peter Best. Only one of him. Olny one can recive his love at one time. Is that going to be me?


Sorry for the short chapter and the late post
I was out popping fireworks and I didn't post yesterday so I had to today

Happy 4th of July
(If you celebrate it)


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