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The theatre is dark, and usually Awsten would be tuned in to the smell of popcorn and whatever movie is playing on the big screen, but right now all he can pay attention to is Geoff. The leather clad boy is sitting next to Awsten, and while they aren't physically touching, the blond boy can feel his presence.

It feels like a threat. A menevolent presence.

He doesn't know why he feels threatened by Geoff, but maybe it's because of the look that he gave Awsten when they met outside of the theatre. It wasn't a mean look, it was just a look. Like he knows something that Awsten doesn't. It's unnerving.

He needs to tell them.

It isn't a big deal that they think Awsten throws the parties, but it is to Awsten. He's basically lying to his only friends. It settles wrongfully on his mind.

The air of the theatre is still, like a pin dropping could be heard, even with the movie's volume blasting. The movie is silent background noise in Awsten's mind at this point. He doesn't even know the name of the main character. 

Geoff shifts slightly, and Awsten nearly jumps. He's focusing so hard on the feeling of the brunet next to him. Too hard.

That feeling- once he gets past the slightly threatening part of it- he kind of likes it.


"So how'd you like the movie, my mans?" Jawn asks. The three are heading back to Jawn's house. They'd split with Awsten after leaving the theatre.

"Mans?" Otto asks. Jawn simply nods.

"It was a good movie," the curly-haired boy answers with a playful eye-roll.

Geoff stays silent. He's thinking something that he doesn't want to admit.

He wants to sit next to Awsten again.
He wants to be around Awsten again.
He wants to talk to Awsten again.

"Geoff?" Jawn asks him with a knowing smile.

"Uh, it was a good movie," Geoff answers uncertainly.

Jawn stops walking. Otto stays beside him while Geoff turns around and looks at the two of them. "You didn't pay any attention, did you?"

"Nope," Geoff answers, popping the 'p'.

"Mmmhm," Otto hums with a sly look. Geoff's cheeks turn red.

"I tried, but I couldn't focus on anything with Awsten next to me," Geoff defends, embarrassed.

"You mean you couldn't focus on anything but Awsten," Otto mutters, but Jawn shushes him.

"Then what were you focused on?" The red-haired boy asks.

"Awsten," Geoff replies quietly, reluctant to admit that Otto is right.

"Mmmhm," Otto hums again. Jawn jokingly punches his shoulder and begins walking again.

Geoff and Otto follow closely behind. "Welcome to the gay club, because you definitely have a crush on him," Otto says with a smirk.

"We're not old enough to get into a gay cl- oh, I get it," Geoff mutters, cheeks still burning.

"I thought you were bi," Jawn says, looking at Otto in confusion.

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