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I am such a professional writer, y'all. Last chapter, I wrote the last scene as if it were taking place at like noon, but it was supposed to be midnight or at least sometime after dark. So professional. I went back and fixed it, sorry if you guys got confused!! (Although hopefully y'all didn't notice.)


"So, what's a maze run?" Awsten asks as the four boys enter the school building. He's been thinking about it ever since last night, but the George Washington thing had captured more of his attention. He thinks he gets the concept of a maze run, but he wants to know why they call it that.

"Have you ever read or seen The Maze Runner? So basically, running through the maze is super dangerous, right?" Jawn explains, and Awsten nods along. "Only the strong survive it. When someone calls out 'maze run' during any kind of party game, you have to do the most dangerous option- so in Truth Or Dare, you have to pick dare. You should see what happens during Spin The Bottle. The maze run rule goes for one full round- only the strong survive it," he says the ending in a joking deadly tone.

Awsten laughs a little and nods. He isn't sure he wants to know what happens during Spin The Bottle.

Otto speaks up after a moment. "Hey, I'm gonna run to the bathroom really quick." He then peels off in the direction of the bathroom and leaves Geoff, Jawn, and Awsten to fend for themselves.

"I actually need to go to Chemistry early, I need to talk to the teacher. Catch you guys later," Jawn says, and Geoff doesn't miss the meaningful look the red-haired boy sends his way. Awsten doesn't notice.

"See ya," Geoff replies, and Awsten timidly waves.

The two continue toward their lockers. They're on opposite sides of the hallway from each other, so they soon split to begin putting their books up.

"So, are you coming to Otto's this afternoon? We might all go to Jawn's later tonight because his mom is on a baking streak and made too many cookies for just her and Jawn to even think about eating, so they might need our help with that," Geoff calls over his shoulder as he pulls a green binder out of his locker.

He turns and watches Awsten think for a moment before responding. "I can't. I have to talk to my mom about something important."

Geoff nods. "I'll bring you some of the left over cookies tomorrow." He tries to hide his disappointment about not being able to see the blond boy this afternoon.

Awsten turns around with a smile that puts the sun to shame. "I would love that!"

Geoff has to turn around before the blond boy notices his cheeks going ruddy.

Damn that smile.

The bell rings after a few seconds, and the hallways start clearing. Geoff and Awsten mutter goodbyes and begin heading toward their classrooms. Geoff watches the blond boy enter his Latin class before ducking into the bathroom.

"Otto? Jawn? What's going on?" Geoff asks as he approaches his friends. Jawn is leaning against the sinks and Otto is standing in front of a locked out-of-order stall door. They were waiting for him.

"You need to make a move," Otto says, and Jawn shakes his head.

"I disagree," the red-haired boy simply states.

Geoff nods. "I agree with Jawn."

"I think what we really need to talk about is how you keep trying to sabotage the plan, Otto," Jawn mentions, not meaning to sound so accusing, and Otto looks down at his feet. The red-haired boy mumbles an apology and the three fall silent for a moment.

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