
1.5K 75 42

Y'all have such varying opinions about Patty- it's interesting!! Some of you are wary of him because of his past with Awsten, and some of you are just excited to have him in the fic kskskdks

Awsten really (literally) said fuck ya theories and deleted friendly reminder, huh?

Also, thank you guys for 5k??? My heart??? Is full??? Of love??? 💕


The basement apartment is quiet as Awsten washes the dishes. He scrubs a plate thoughtfully, remembering Jawn's words from the previous night.

He obviously knew that Geoff had at least a small crush on him- as middle school as it sounds- but he thought it was more of a recent development. Has the brunet really liked him this entire time? Was this really the big secret Otto had been trying so hard to tell him?

Geoff's eyes light up around Awsten, and the blond boy would have to be blind to miss it- and even if he were, the gentle tone Geoff always uses when speaking to him would give it away too.

Awsten finds it amusing that Jawn tried to protect the big secret for so long, only to end up sleepily telling him at three in the morning while holding half a pint of melting ice cream. Geoff, Otto, and Jawn have a bond that goes so far back that sometimes their friendship seems childish, but that's only because it's innocent. The blond boy is envious of that. After everything they've been through together- from facing off with abusive boyfriends to helping random boys out of toxic environments- it's amazing that their friendship is still so innocent.

The fact that they want to let Awsten be a part of that friendship is even more amazing.

Speaking of Jawn and Otto, they've gone somewhere again. As soon as school ended, the two headed off without saying much about where they were going- just a vague "we're going to see a friend."

While it's difficult, the blond boy tries to not think about it in a negative way. His thoughts automatically go the most paranoid route, but he's determined to trust his friends- they've definitely earned it.

Geoff turns a page in his book after finally finishing the page he'd been on for ten minutes. He's usually a fast reader, but from his position in one of the living room chairs, he can see Awsten in the little kitchenette. The blond boy is very distracting as he moves around, tidying up the space.

The brunet's eyes snap back to his book as Awsten leaves the kitchen to sit on the couch.

The blond boy grabs a pillow and hugs it to his middle.

The silence isn't awkward, but it holds something behind it. It isn't exactly the calm before the storm, but it's something akin to it. Geoff pretends to read the page he's on, waiting for something to happen.

"Otto told me about Travis," Awsten mumbles in a raspy voice, wondering if it's okay to talk about it. He hopes he doesn't get Otto in trouble- the curly-haired boy seems to get into enough of it as it is.

Geoff freezes. Thanks for the warning, Otto.

"What'd he say?" Geoff asks, taking his time with putting his bookmark in his book and placing it back in his bag. The conversation topic takes him by surprise, so he almost doesn't realize a crucial detail- Awsten is speaking. Almost.

He decides to not say anything. Otto and Jawn already told him that the blond boy spoke last night, and Geoff's main goal right now is to keep Awsten talking- even if it's about Travis.

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