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Not with a bang but a whimper.

T.S. Eliot, 1925


That was the story of the way my old world of pain and fear and uncontrollable life ended, making way for a new and improved world. I wish I could say it was a quick flip of a switch; that one day I was broken and the next I was perfectly fine. I wish I could say that the struggle was over. However, the panic would always be there. It was a part of me. But it was a part of me that now, thanks to a boy named Nate, I could control.

The way my world ended was not with a bang. Not all at once, but rather slowly and surely, making way for a new world of hope and happiness and control. My new world dawned. Every day I got a little better. After all, I am me.

I am strong.

I am brave.

I am Indigo Clarke.

I can do anything.

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