Chapter 13. Love in the Air

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I went over to Bryan's, the front door was open, His mom and dad traveled . His cousins were no where to be found.

I heard lots of giggling coming from upstairs, I didn't call Bryan to tell him I was coming, just wanted to check up on him on my way back from work. I gently moved closer and I realized that the sounds were moaning. Like seriously?

It could be one of Bryan's cousin. It really felt awkward. Maybe I should call Bryan already to find out where he is.

Well I didn't call. I walked upstairs and realized the sound was coming from Bryan's room. Not again, I feel like my face wants to explode. I pushed the door and thank heavens they forgot to lock the door. I burst inside to kill my curiosity. If it's his cousin in there, that's bad because the Bryan I know will never misbehave like this.

I couldn't believe what I saw. I closed my eyes, opened it, I blinked a couple of times to make sure I'm seeing correctly.

Bryan stood up with his eyes wide open with Vania on the other side of the bed half naked.

What the fuck is going on here! tears quickly filled my eyes, my heart sanked into my stomach. I couldn't speak any further. What on earth have I done to deserve this kind of treatment from the people I trust so much.

I threw my bag on the floor, held my head with both hands to prevent it from falling off and screamed out NOOO!!

I screamed so loud.

I woke up to realize it was a nightmare. Momma and Bernisse rushed into my room, sacred that I was in danger. I told them I had a nightmare and gave them a summary of what I saw. Momma insisted we prayed. She and Bernisse held my hands and we prayed.

I dont regret Saying "YES" to Bryan. In less than a month, he has made me extra happy. Bryan is nothing like I thought he was. He is kind and genuine, there are lots of things I find interesting about him. He is always positive about everything. It's good for me because I need more positivity in my life. Bryan will show me off to the world even in my sweats.
Completely open, a good listener and he likes to talk about everything. I've really learnt a lot from him. I really thank God other relationships did not work. He is the best companion ever.

I took him to meet momma one week after we officially started dating and they connected sooner than I thought. Momma feels like she has a son now. Even when I'm working Bryan goes to check on momma and he likes Bernie so much. Says she is the sister he never had.

Sincerely I'm so happy with myself right now I've never loved my life but right now I love being me. I will always be Clarrisse.

Yeah I got good news. Momma will be 60 on Saturday just two days from today. So it's going to be a small celebration just a few family members and friends. Momma said she doesn't want a big party. Good for me less stress, even though Vania and Bernisse disagreed with her, they want a full house.

I'm actually tied down with work, This week have been a hell of a week at work. There is so much to do and Derek this time isn't giving me any breathing space.
It's Thursday already and I don't have any plans for momma's day yet.
Bryan has been calling my phone. I need to find out why he been calling ceaselessly.


Bryan: Babes I've been trying to reach you, what's going on?

Me: Baby I'm so sorry, I've been crazy busy here.

Bryan: Momma's birthday is in two days and you haven't said anything about it.

Me: I know, I know. I don't really know how to go about it. Vania is out of town and won't be back till tomorrow. I will have to talk to Bernisse, maybe she can help put few stuff together.

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