Jacqueline Mendez

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"Are you trying to get me killed?!"

I looked over to see a black haired teen on his phone. His right hand was intertwined with an athletic blonde's. She looked up at him and I saw she had terrifyingly beautiful gray eyes.

I hadn't really expected any one to be here. It was a small park, a rare peice of nature in New York. It was almost sunset and I think the couple was the only one here, besides me of course.

"You realize she's gonna kill me, right?" he asked into the phone.

"You just.....ugh! When we get back to camp, you're gonna regret it!" With that, he hung up the phone, stuffing it into his pocket.

"What happened?" asked the girl, although she seemed to be stiffling laughter.

"The Stolls pulled a prank on Thalia and made it look like I did it before we left," he said, sighing.

She just cracked up laughing, doubling over.

"Ha ha ha..." he said sarcastically. "I have like fifteen minutes to live, and you wanna spend them laughing at me?"

She straightened up, but was still smiling. "Oh, come on Percy, Thalia won't actually kill you.....maybe just seriously injure."

And with that, she started laughing again.

"I don't even know what the prank was," he said. "The damage could be any thing from 'I want hit Percy with a bolt of lightning' to 'I want to run Percy through with an electric spear."

I thought his examples of her was strange, but funny all the same.

"You realize you have less time than you think, right?" The girl said, over her laugh attack.

"What do you mean?" He questioned.

"She's probably gonna get Nico to get her here," she replied.

His eyes widened and he started to say "Oh sh-" before two people raced around the corner.

I could have sworn they came out of the shadows, but thought better of it.

The girl had spikey black hair that almost reached her shoulders and blue eyes that looked like electricity was running through them. The guy had shaggy black hair and dark eyes that made it seem like he could look into your soul.

"Perseus Jackson!" the girl screamed out.

Percy turned and started sprinting, but the girl easily caught up and jumped on his back, knocking him to the ground. She rolled him over and put her elbow on his neck.

The boy, who I'm assuming was Nico, from their earlier conversation, stood next to the blonde girl, silently chuckling.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Changing all of my clothes pink?!" she exclaimed.

"I-It wasnt me!" Percy stuttered out.

"Thalia, the Stolls called him to give him a heads up. It was them," the girl said.

"Annabeth, can I at least hit him?" Thalia asked.

The blone- Annabeth- shrugged, so Thalia punched his shoulder.

She stood up and walked back to Nico, him wrapping his arms around her waist from behind.

Percy then stood up, taking Annabeth's hand, and they all walked away, probably unaware that I was even there.

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