Tom Allen

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"Look, I'm sorry, Perce, but I still think you photoshopped all those pictures from you locker!" I exclaimed, shifting my backpack, which was stuffed to the max with books.

He laughed and me and Kayla looked at him like he was crazy- which I insist he was.

"Well your in luck, because all of them are coming to pick me up!" he replied, looking like he was about to burst from excitement.

"Wait," Kayla said, letting go of my hand and using it to gesture around, her carmel hair swaying back and forth. "Even your girlfriend?!"

Percy nodded and practically jumped down the steps of the school. I glanced at Kayla who just grabbed my hand and dragged me after Percy.

We looked up to see a strange sight. There was a huge white strawberry van sitting in the parking lot. That's not the strange part.

A bunch of teens sat either in or on the van. Leaning against the hood, a tall blonde girl stood, grey eyes reading a book at an amazingly fast pace. She shifted her legs, blowing long curls out of her face. Behind her, on the actual hood, a guy and a girl sat together. The girl was in front, dark eyes twinkling with amusement as the boy behind her braided her long black hair, and she laughed as she turned and saw his tongue stuck out in concentration.

The side door to the van was open and two people sat there, legs hanging out and brushing the ground. The girl had dark chocolatey skin and sat curled up next to the boys side, making him seem like a huge teddy bear. He lightly kissed the top of her head as she giggled.

On the roof, two -I'm assuming- couples sat. One guy had short blonde hair and bright blue eyes, a girl with choppy hair and colorful eyes sitting next to him, their hands intertwined. Their legs hung off the side of the van as they laughed and shared a small kiss. Next to them, a guy with black hair and almost black eyes sat down with one leg hanging down and the other tucked under his first leg. A girl with short black hair and shinning blue eyes sat in his lap, her legs crossed as she scanned the school yard. She twisted around to look the boy and he was about to kiss her when the blonde guy objected, causing his (I think) girlfriend to slap his arm.

An even stranger thing was they all looked vaguely familiar.

We caught up with Percy as he scanned the parking lot. His eyes suddenly lit up and he grabbed my arm, dragging me in the direction of the van. I kept my grip on Kayla as we ran. Then I finally realized why they all looked familiar. They were all from Percy's pictures!

I heard Kayla lightly gasp, probably coming to the same conclusion.

The girl inside the van pointed to us and all their friends looked. The four from the roof jumped off, not even being effected from hitting the concrete.

Everyone got off the car and I noticed the blonde snap her book shut and run to Percy with a grin on her face.

"Is that his-" I started to ask Kayla, but stopped as she said "Yup!" just as they locked lips.

Once they were done, everybody took turns hugging, before Percy finally introduced us.

"Guys, these are some of my other friends, Tom and Kayla."

"Hello! I'm Annabeth," said Percy's girlfriend.

We waved warmly. "And that's Leo, Reyna, Hazel, Frank, Jason, Piper, Nico, and Thalia."

They all smiled at us. They began chatting and we introduced ourselves personally. After a few minutes, Reyna announced that they had to go.

They all said goodbye, Percy giving us a quick hug. He suddenly picked up Annabeth and slung her over his shoulder as if she weighed nothing.

"Seaweed Brain! If you don't put me down this instant-" she exclaimed, but was interrupted as Percy chuckled.

"You'll what?" He asked teasingly.

"I won't kiss you for the rest of the week."

He hastily put her down as everybody laughed. They all piled into the van and drove away.

Meeting Demigodsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें