Leslie Ortiz

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This was is extra long as a sort of bribery for not updating in forever. I'm sorry. Hope you like it!


I idly flicked through my magazine as Ms. Monroe continued to drone on about some sort of math related concept. She was evil. She was probably going to get a detention for not knowing what some stupid, impossible question means- again.

And then somebody’s phone rang. I smiled and sat straighter, closing my magazine on a page about how Channel was better than Dior- which was totally true. This was going to be fun. Ms. Monroe always made the owner of the phone go up to the front of the class and answer it. And you couldn’t tell the other person they were on speaker phone.

Ms. Monroe strolled down the aisles until she reached….Katie Gardner’s desk. I silently thanked the witch that is our teacher. I absolutely hated Katie. She was nice and pure and kind and absolutely gorgeous and I hated her so much. She was naturally pretty with dark brown hair that never looked bad and bright green eyes that caught everyone’s attention. It made us girls that had to try hard to be pretty look bad.

So, of course everyone else in the school follow my decision. Plus, she had these stupid disabilities that made it so she could hardly read and sometimes she spoke in this weird made up language (at least I think it was made up.)

Katie walked up to the front of the room, her oh-so-perfect hair in a simple pony-tale that somehow looked like it belonged on a supermodel swinging behind her and her phone in hand. I actually considered inviting her to be one of us, but she was too pure, plus her reading thing and language change would have brought me down on the social ladder, where I was already at the top. Plus, she never wore any make up or even designer clothes. She took a deep breath before answering the phone and putting it on speaker.

“Hello?” she answered.

“Hey, what’s up?” a voice called back. Not just any voice. An incredibly handsome voice. Poor guy must have called Katie’s phone by accident.

“Travis, I know that tone of voice and I am not picking you up more pranking supplies while I’m away from Camp,” she said. My eyes widened a little bit. She actually knew him. A relative, perhaps?

“Aww! But Katie-Kat!” Oh no. That was totally a boyfriend/girlfriend pet name. It wasn’t possible.

I nudged Anna who was sitting next to me and motioned for her to do something. Her eyes widened for a second, making her look like a really stupid deer in headlights. She turned back to the front and said, “Who’s that Katie, your Mom?”

Most of the class snickered, but even I could hear that Anna’s voice sounded kind of doubtful. Ms. Monroe motioned for us to be quiet and everyone did, not wanting Katie’s embarrassment to end.

“Who was that?” ‘Travis asked through the phone.

“Uh,” Katie hesitated and looked towards Ms. Monroe, but she shook her head. She had a rule that you had to be on the phone for at least two minutes unless it was a recording. “Nobody. Is that the only reason you called?”

“No, actually. Just wanted to tell you Kevin’s still in the infirmary.” I was confused. What did someone in the infirmary have to do with Katie? A butterfly could probably do more harm.

“No way! I only gave him a few punches,” Katie protested and I could almost feel everyone’s eyes widen in disbelief. Dear, little, innocent Katie punched someone? Unbelievable.

“Yeah, but after you removed dagger from in front of his throat, he ran away so fast that halfway back to his cabin, he tripped thin air- apparently- and broke his leg,” Travis said with a slightly amusing tone in his voice.

This conversation was going beyond believable. Katie punched a guy and had a dagger at his throat and then they talk about him breaking his leg that that was the least injury they’d ever seen.

“I had a good reason! He cheated on Miranda. I knew his was a sleaze bag, but nobody does that to my sister and gets away with it.”

“You should have seen Connor. He just heard a few days ago and he was livid. When he saw that Kevin was in the infirmary, he was looking for you to say thank you.”

“Please tell me they are dating,” Katie said with this grin on her face that could have made boys swoon if she was one of us.

“Not yet, but Connor said he was going to- Oh My Gods!”

“Travis?” Katie sounded worried. He was in a supposed Camp. What was going to hurt him? Which got me thinking, why was he at a camp during the school year?

“I’m scarred! I’m scarred for life! My poor innocent eyes!” Ms. Monroe exited the room, motioning to Katie that she had to talk for another minute.

Katie rolled her eyes. “Travis, stop pulling an Apollo moment and tell me what happened. And I think everyone knows your eyes aren’t that innocent.”

“I just walked in on Connor and Miranda making out.”

“Finally! Oh, they should have gotten together such a long time ago.” Katie seemed to have totally forgotten that the rest of the class was there. I don’t know how since everyone was drilling holes into her.

“I know right! Oh, by the way, Camp Jupiter is coming over tonight for a couple weeks. We’re gonna play an epic capture the flag. Over 500 people. Please tell me your coming!” Again, this is the school year! What the hell are 500 people doing at a camp during school?!

“Travis, you know my dad wants me to go to school,” Katie sounded hesitant and she bit her lip.

“Please! Please! I’ll do anything!” he pleaded over the phone

“Anything?” Katie asked with a mischievous glint in her eyes that I never thought I would ever see. She was pure and kind. Right?

“Yes, anything.”

“We’ll talk about my conditions when I get there.”

“Yes! How long?” You could hear the smile in his voice. I had no idea why he was so excited. It was just Katie.

“I’ll be there in twenty.” I felt like screaming, “WHAT?!” Katie was a goodie-goodie. Skipping school. Ms. Monroe wasn’t going to let her. Obviously!

“Kay. Oh, and Katie,” Travis said. This was it. He was going to say he had a girlfriend or that she was the best sister/cousin ever.

“Yeah Trav?” Katie paused from where she was getting of Ms. Monroe’s desk, where she was previously seated.

“Love you.”

“Love you too. See you soon. Nineteen minutes.” I gaped.

She turned around and ignored everyone, pretending that our eyes weren’t bulging out of our heads. After a few minutes, her bag was hanging from her shoulder and she was standing in the doorway. We were all waiting for Ms. Monroe to walk back in and stop this side of Katie that nobody knew.

“By the way, you shouldn’t be so surprised. People say ‘I love you’ to their boyfriends all the time.”

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