Ben Garcia

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Dedicated to @kay-loves-candy.

I feel so bad this took so long. I could give you a bunch of excuses, but you don't want to hear them. So, here you are.


I caught up with Percy on his way out. His duffle bag was on his shoulder and his hair was still damp, just like mine. He was the best captain the swim team ever had, and he was killer in the pool.

I clapped him on the shoulder and he turned to grin at me. We laughed and joked about everything from why Ms. Metsin wore the same gaudy, pink and yellow dragonfly pin every single day, to why they teach us how to find the volume of a cylinder, when most of us will never see it after schooling.

We reached the front steps, still laughing at the exploding pen someone had given Mr. Ulis in History as he droned on about the Civil War. There, I spotted two figures.

One blonde guy was sitting down with his legs stretching over a couple stairs. The light blue jeans and purple t-shirt just helped me confirm it was Percy's cousin, Jason. I had met him a couple times when he came to pick him up.

In his lap, a girl with cut up brown hair and color changing eyes was curled up, a triangle shaped mirror spinning in her hands. She wore a pair of ripped jean shorts and a simple cream colored tank top. Simple flip flops adorned get feet that were crossed over Jason's.

And finally, another blonde was leaning up against the wall, but it was obvious she wasn't related to Jason. Her hair was thick and curly, framing her startling gray eyes. She had on a pair of jean capris and worn out orange shirt. Battered blue converse and a bead necklace. Now that I look at it, they all have necklaces, even Percy, although Annabeth has a noticeably bigger collection.

"Hey Annabeth!"Percy called out.

He ran forward and spun the blonde around- Annabeth, not Jason- while she shrieked at him to put her down. By the time they kissed, I had already gathered they were together.

Jason and the other girl stood up and walked over to me.

"Hey Ben. This is my girlfriend, Piper."

I grinned and let myself immerse in conversation until they had to leave, both girls on the backs of their running boyfriends.

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