Jayden West

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Please don't hate me! I know, I know, I'm a horrible author for never updating, but I have been dealing with a lot of stuff, like my grades slipping, my five year-old sister breaking her arm, and having the cops at my house for Christmas (How joyful and merry, right?). Um... yeah, sorry.

 This is dedicated to @Lady_Hermera_

I'm so sorry for taking forever and I really hope you like it.


The first thing I saw as I walked into school was Leo, rolling on the ground, laughing at my outfit. I don’t really know why. I mean, the black studded converse, denim shorts, and ‘BOSS’ crop top was what I usually wore.

“You look so ridiculous!” Leo choked out.

Okay, I’ll admit, the mustache suspenders and hipster/nerd glasses might have been a bit much.

“Your just jelly ‘cause I look better than you,” I sassed back, sticking out my tongue.

Leo narrowed his eyes and we had a staring contest for a few seconds before I blinked. Leo jumped up, doing a happy dance.

I rolled my eyes and flipped my hair over my shoulder, smacking myself in the face with the dyed blue tips. Leo just cracked up again, doubling over in laughter.

I started walking down the hall and Leo scrambled up, next to me in a second. “You know, you’re eyes look especially purple today,” he commented, pulling some chain-link pieces out of his pocket.

My eyes were this weird, vibrant purple, something nobody else at the school has. At least nobody I’ve seen. Dying the tips of my white blonde hair probably didn’t make me look any more normal. But, you know, whatever. Leo says my eyes remind him of someone who attends this camp he disappears to all the time.

“Oh! So yesterday, Annabeth dared Jason put shaving cream on Percy while he was sleeping. He woke up and totally freaked out. Let’s just say that Jason was completely soaked minutes later.”

“Alright!” I turned and leaned on my locker. Adam and Tyler turned to look at me questioningly, but I just waved them off. I’m realizing I tend to do that with a lot of people. Eh. “You keep talking about all these friends-“

“And girlfriend.”

“-Yeah. And I- wait. What?!” I whirled on him. “What girlfriend?! Why didn’t you tell me?! What’s her name? Is she pretty? What’s she like? Can I meet her?!”

His eyes widened and he took a hesitant step back. “Uh-“

The bell rang and he looked relieved. “See you after class!” With that, he took off running.


I scanned the parking lot for Leo. He had been avoiding me all day. He should have known I would talk him eventually. I didn’t take ‘no,’ for an answer very easily. I spotted his head of curls by the biology class room and ran over.

“You,” I stated, poking his back.

He turned around. “You have been avoiding me.”

“Nooo…” he protested, dragging out the ‘o.’ “Anyways! You know how you wanted to meet my friends?”

I immediately stopped narrowing my eyes and perked up. “Yeah!”

“I talked to Annabeth and she said we could go get lunch.”

I squealed and started dancing, humming California Girls under my breath. Leo shook his head and laughed at me before joining in, singing some other song that sounded like he was impersonating a dying whale.

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