Marcus Crosst

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"No! No! No!" I cried out as Percy's car passed mine.

He pumped his fist for a split second, and I used that time to shove my shoulder into his, effectively knocking his controller out of his hand.

"You cheated!" he exclaimed, rushing to pick it up and continue playing.

"Nuh Uh!" I yelled back.

"Yeh Huh!"

"Nuh Uh!"

"Yeh Hu-"

"Will you guys shut up?!" a female voice yelled from a bedroom in the house.

That startled me, since I thought we were the only ones in the house.

"Sorry Pipes!" Percy yelled.

I paused the game and turned expectantly to Percy.

"What?" he asked, looking honestly confused.

"You never told me anyone else was here!" I said.

He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled sheepishly. He started to say "I-"

before he was cut off by the door flying open.

In walked three guys. "McShizzle is in the house!" yelled a short Latino guy, who quite reminded me of an elf.

"Shut up Leo!" yelled the same female voice as before.

"Ah, come on Beauty Queen!" said the elf- who I guessed was named Leo.

The second guy who walked in smacked Leo on the head. He was tall, and hair bright blue eyes and short blonde hair.

"Dude, stop bothering her," he said.

The last guy who had walked in stayed silent. I couldn't help but think he kind of looked like an oversized teddy bear.

Four girls came out from a room. They were all different. The first one was a tall girl who looked kind of Puerto Rican, with a long black braid running down her back and dark eyes. Next was a slightly younger girl with bright golden eyes and wild cinnamon colored hair. The last two came out chatting. One had blonde curly hair and intelligent grey eyes and the other was tanned with eyes that changed color every time she blinked and choppy hair with a feather in it.

By now all the boys had sat down and were about to introduce themselves. Each girl came up to their respectful boy. The one with the feather sat next to the blonde with blue eyes, his arm resting on her shoulder. The small girl with golden eyes plopped next to the Asian looking boy, softly kissing his cheek. The girl with the braid sat next to Leo the elf, draping her legs over his. And lastly, the blonde came up and sat on Percy's lap, pecking his lips.

After being introduced to them all, Annabeth (Percy's girlfriend) grabbed the controller, quickly continuing from where Percy was, behind me, and quickly winning, beating everyone's record, even Percy's.

I asked she did that and she went on about angles and graphing the right movements. To say the least, I really like Percy's friends.

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