04 | Midtown

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Nova's POV:

It didn't surprise me with how quickly Tony was able to enroll me into Midtown High School. The next day he called and pulled so many strings to enroll me to start that next coming Monday. He also mentioned to me that I possibly could make some new friends right away...whatever that means.

Midtown is a big school basically for science and technology geeks, I liked science and tech so that didn't bother me any.

Only thing I was concerned about was the fact that it was all the way in Forest Hills, when we are right smack in the middle of Manhattan. Which was a pretty good forty one minutes by car and thirty nine minutes by train. A/N: I did some research about this before writing it so yes it is correct:)

I wanted to take the train for my first day, just so I can get used to the area on my own, but of course Tony begged and insisted that he and Happy take me for my first day.

I didn't understand why, Tony has no need to be driving me off to school, but maybe he's just wanting to try out the whole dad thing?

I knew for sure it was going to be awhile before I could just call Tony dad, but I guess that's normal for every person in my situation.

Tony knocked on the open door to my bedroom, letting out a heavy sigh when he saw the condition my room was in.

"Nova, we talked about one of the rules, which is keeping your room clean."

I rolled my eyes, as I threw in my pens and notebooks into my backpack, "I'll clean it when I return home today."

The same day that Tony got myself enrolled into Midtown, he and Pepper took me out shopping for new clothes and decorations for my bedroom.

"If you're going to be a Stark, then you need to look the part." Tony kept repeating to me over and over as he piled in a lot of fancy jeans and slacks, other fancy dress pants, dress shoes, dress shirts, really nice regular tee shirts, and a couple pairs of actual dresses.

He just handed me anything and everything to try on and whatever fit, it's what I went with.

Pepper talked me into getting a few pair of heels to wear with my dresses.

She also allowed me to get a few pair of clothing that I wanted to wear that wasn't fancy shit. I threw in a bunch of vans and chuck Taylor's shoes, ripped jeans and ripped skinny jeans, some very comfortable tee shirts and yeah a few of fancy clothing that I actually liked.

After the clothe shopping we sent Happy back to the tower to drop off my shit after he dropped us off at her furniture store.

We got myself a newer bed mattress and headboard, red, blue and black bedsheets. I bug ass flat screen tv that could literally fit on the smaller part of my wall in the far end of the room, a tv stand and a cute little dark blue couch for my tv area that can also fold out into a small bed if I ya know...make friends.

Tony also insisted that since I was really smart, he bought me a bunch of computer parts and other fancy tech to build and put together on my own, and that was the must exciting thing I could have gotten.

Of course, I was able to pick out a few other decorations and such for my room, but most of the stuff was chosen for me. "If you're gonna be a Stark, then you got to look the part." Was all I kept hearing from Tony the whole time we went shopping.

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