08 | Hero

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Nova's POV:

I tried fighting the man who was holding me hostage, but the more I struggled the more he press the knife closer to my throat.

"You aren't gonna get away little Stark." He laughed evilly.

I cried and cried and cried.

"Awe stop your crying little Stark, no body is gonna save you."

"You sure about that?" Another voice said.

The man and myself look down the alleyway, seeing the silhouette of a figure leaning against the wall, his arms crossed.

"Who the hell are you?" The man snapped.

"I'm the one whose gonna save her." The other said. Stepping forward to where the moonlight caught him.

It was Spider-Man.

My heart skipped a beat out of joy, maybe I will survive this night.

The man held out the knife out, pointing it in Spider-Man's direction, "you'll have to take me down first!"

Spider-Man's eyes narrowed down, and whoever he was under that mask had the biggest smirk ever.

He's going to save me.

He spun a web out, attaching it to the man's hand and ripping the knife from him, spinning out another one, but attaching it to my blouse and jeans, then yanked me forward catching me in his arms then gently tossing me to the side, "don't move!" He quickly said before taking off down the alley towards the man.

Within a few second Spider-Man had the guy webbed down against the wall, "next time you plan to pick on a Stark, make sure you check around to see if anyone is there."

Police sirens pulled down the street, I looked down the road and waved them over.

Before I could run towards them, I was scooped up into someone's arms and swung off into the night.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, digging my fingers into his suit out of fear of being dropped.

"Don't worry Stark, I won't drop you. I promise."

His voice reassured me and filled with such comfort.

I released my grip on his suit and relaxing my arms around his neck.

Before I knew it I was back on the ground and we were standing in front of Stark Tower and there was Tony and Pepper rushing over towards me.

"Nova!" Tony yelled and embraced me in his arms, Pepper following behind him and hugging me also.

"I'm okay," I whispered, "I'm okay."

"I was about to put on a suit and come flying to you, but I reached out to my Spider friend here to help keep the look out, but I'm glad he got to you before I could have. I would have killed that asshole." Tony said hugging you tighter.

Spider friend. Spider-Man.

I turned away from them, seeing that Spider-Man was gone. I didn't even get to thank him. This was the second time he saved me life and I wasn't able to say thank you. I looked around the area, he was no where to be seen.

"Nova!" I looked back towards the doors of Stark Tower, seeing Peter run quickly from the glass doors. What was he doing here?

"Peter why are you?" I started to ask.

"I was hoping you'd take a train the rest of the way here, so I hoped on one and decided to give you space." Peter said a little out of breath. The boy wasn't out of breath earlier but now he is? And he's sweaty? "I was worried when you never showed up and after the call Mr. Stark got I was more worried. I was about to go run out there to find you with Stark as Iron Man but he told me to stay here and that he contacted spider-man. But he got to you first and we sat here waiting for you to return."

All I could do was stare at him, he was such a mystery. I wanted to be angry at him for leaving me at the school, but my heart couldn't. Not after the experience I had tonight.

"I shouldn't have left you alone at the school, I am sorry." He said pulling me into a hug.

My eyes widened at his sudden hug, but I couldn't have been happier to be in his arms. I hated myself for how i treated him earlier, me hugging him back was at least I could do.

So I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. Something about his hold on me and how his arms felt around my body was so familiar. But it didn't matter at that moment. All I cared was I was safe at home with the ones I care about, and who clearly care about me.

"So how cool was Spider-Man?" Peter asked as we let go of each other.

I crossed my arms over my chest, feeling my face get red, "he's really cool."

Peter smiled wide at me, "he is pretty cool huh."

Tony clapped his hands together, then pulled me back into a hug, "now that she's home I think it's time for Parker to head on home now."

Peter's POV:

"Y-yeah yeah, I have homework anyways," I said nodding at Mr. Stark. I looked back at Nova, god I am so glad I got to her in time.

Mr. Stark sent Pepper and Nova into the tower, wanting to talk to me before I left.

"Thanks again, Pete."

"No problem,  Mr. Stark."

"Did you two get into a fight?" He asked crossing his arms.

I shrugged, "more or less."

Stark nodded, "well I'm glad you were already on it when I called about looking for her."

"Yeah I wasn't going to just let her walk alone no matter how pissed at me she was."

Mr. Stark put his hands on my shoulders and gave me a smile, "thanks again Parker, get home safe and tell Aunt May I said hi."

"Will do Mr. Stark, oh wait!" I said pulling Nova's phone from my pocket, "I picked this up on the ground before I scooped her up and swung her over here."

Mr. Stark took the phone into his hands and nodded.

And with that he disappeared into the tower.

I caught the next bus home processing my thoughts and feelings.

My heart was so hurt by how Nova ignored me.  It was my fault she did, I should have been truthful with her from the start.

But now she knows about the 'internship' and knows I'm not going to use her like some toy.

I care about her. More than I could possibly even admit.

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