10 | what to do

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Nova's POV:

I paced my room that afternoon thinking of ways I could confess my new found love to him. He's saved me twice and I want to know more about him.

I can't go to Tony about it, I don't want him to get super protective dad on me.

It was still weird to even think of Tony as my father. I've been here awhile now and its just hard to think that way.

But either way Tony can't be involved, he wouldn't allow this, mostly since Spider-Man seems to be a business partner or some sort.

I finally gave up thinking and dropped down onto my bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"NOVA!" Tony yelled from downstairs, "PETER IS HERE."

I rolled off my bed and laid flat on the floor for a good solid minute before actually getting up and going downstairs.

But the sight you saw was weird, Tony was at Peter's level whispering something to him. Peter kept nodding.

What was going on?

"What are the two of you whispering about?" I asked as I made my way down the stairs.

Tony turned and looked at me then wrapped his arm around Peter and squeezed him right into his side, "oh just internship stuff."

I raised an eyebrow and slowly nodded my head, "alright, well come up Pete so we can get this math homework finished." I turned quickly and ran back up the stairs.

Peter and I weren't actually going to do math homework, we finished that halfway through math class.

Peter came up to me after school and said we had to talk, which we did. I needed to spill what I had in mind about certain things.

I sat down on my couch and kicked my feet up onto the table.

Peter walked in and closed the door halfway before joining me on the couch.

"What were you two talking about?" I asked watching Peter take his jacket off.

"Huh? Oh! Nothing. Intern stuff and that he ordered...pizza?"

"Pizza huh?" I mumbled, still in question on what they could have talked about.

"Anyways, you said you also wanted to talk?" He said leaning back into the couch.

"Yes! I want to talk about my crush for Spider-Man!" I said sitting up straight looking Peter dead in his eyes, "and I need to hear your opinion on it."

Tony's POV

"Did you tell the kid?" Pepper asked handing me a folder filled with files.

I nodded opening the folder and quickly scanning them, "anymore news on our green friend?"

Pepper shook her head, "no just everything in that folder and what Steve told us."

I nodded again, "alright. I told Pete to keep an eye out for our green friend and to keep Nova as far as possible from this guy. He's dangerous and we've got to keep taps on him."

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