13 | Reasons Part One

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Tony's POV:

I listened to Peter talk. Listened to him pour out his feelings for Nova, listen to him explain her plan to talk to his alter ego and the whole nine yards.

I knew her meeting Pete wasn't going to end well, but I gave it the benefit of the doubt, knowing if something happened he could keep her safe.

Plus they helped each other with homework and he always kept an eye on her.

I shook my head, "I can't allow this."

"What? Allow what?" Peter asked, raising a eye brow.

I looked at Nova, looked at how glossy her eyes were. How she couldn't keep her eyes off Peter.

"Allow this to happen." I said, slowly looking back at him.

"Mr. Stark-"

"No, Pete, I'm sorry. You can't see her anymore. This ain't the first time she's been out in dangerous situations because of you, and I'm going to make sure this one is the last."

"Sir this isn't fair!" He yelled.

"Watch your tone!" I snapped, "I don't care about what is fair! I said no!"

"Give me one goddamn good reason why!"

"Because she's my daughter! That's my reason!" I yelled back at him.

He released his fists and shook his head at me, staring off to the floor, "but what about MY reasons?"

My heart went soft, I could see how he cared for Nova, but this wasn't going to happen. I couldn't lose her. I was way too close to loosing her earlier, I can't go through that again.

"I'm sorry Pete. I can't allow this."

I walked to Nova, pulling her to me walking us towards the stairs.

"I won't allow you to see her anymore, you need to leave my tower."

I stopped at the stairs, turning back around to look at Parker, but I caught his back running out towards the landing strip and jumping off.

"You both have your own reasons..." Nova whispered, "but what about my own?"

I sat down in the steps, and patted beside me for her to also sit down.

"You and Pepper are the only things that matter most to me, Peter was like a son to me. The child I never had. I tried being the best father figure to him. He looked up to me like I was one. I helped him with his suit, helped him figure new fighting styles. He even helped me a few times. He opened my heart to love someone other than myself and Pepper," I looked at her, she was still looking away for me, "and then you came along. And I wasn't sure I could do this father thing, but the more time I spent with you, then more I...the more I fell in love with you."

Nova looked at me finally, "what?"

"I love you, Nova. You're my daughter and I finally have more to fight for. To protect and care for. I want to be the best father I can be for you."

reasons • peter parkerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora