12 | Goblin

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Nova's POV:

I ran towards the smoke and the screaming.

Running between the crowds that was running the other direction.

I saw Spider-Man swing above me, racing his way to the villain. I smiled as I watched him go. 

I picked up my pace, running faster towards my goal, toward Spider-Man.

The police already had the scene blocked off with metal gates.

I rushed to the front of the scene, gripping my fingers around the metal gate looking up at Spider-Man chasing the man on his glider.

"You'll never catch me, Spider-Man!" He yelled grabbing something small, round and orange from his belt loop and tossing it toward my direction at the building behind me.

My eyes widened as I watched the orange ball fly through the air, hearing it tick as it got closer. It was a bomb. And it was heading in my direction.

I watched as it made contact with the building, flames bursting from it and the building already falling apart from it.

Everyone around me ran. I was too scared to move. Too much in shock to get my feet moving. I was terrified.

Come on Nova! Move your ass!

I started to slowly move, but then heard a break.

I looked up, seeing a piece of the building heading right towards me.

Peter's POV:

I watched as he tossed another one of his bombs from his belt.

I wasn't quick enough to stop it, but I knew I had to be quick to save enough from the explosion.

One by one I grabbed everyone in the way and got them to safety, fixing to head back after the man until I saw her out of the corner of my eye.

"Goddamnit Nova!" I yelled sprinting towards her. Of course she had to show up here. I knew the reason for it also.

I quickly grabbed her, wrapping herself around me and swinging her out of the way before the building piece could crush her.

"You really need to stop showing up whenever danger happens." I snapped at her once she was back on her feet, "you're giving me quit the work out."

"I'm sorry!" She said, "I needed to speak to you."

I wanted to stay, but the guy was still on the lose.

"I don't have time right now, you need to go home!" I yelled at her, "go home!"

"Come back after?"

"Nova I don't have time to talk please go home!" I snapped fixing to turn and fly off, but I was too late.

He was gliding his way down towards us.

"Oh? A little girly friend huh?" He laughed evilly.

I clenched my jaw, quickly shooting a web at his visor, blinding him.

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