11 | Harry Osborn

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Peter's POV:

I stood outside of Stark tower pulling on the straps of my backpack, patiently waiting on Nova to walk through the glass doors.

It's been a week since Nova planned out her whole confessing to Spider-Man thing and I'm still freaking out over how I'm going to explain anything to her.

"Why such a long face?" Ned said slapping my arm.

"I'm still not sure what I am going to do."

"What to do about what?" MJ said.

Ned and myself turned to our left, surprised to see her standing there.

"Uhh what are you doing here?" I asked.

She walked over and slug her arm over Ned's neck, "I saw the group texts, and I wanted to be involved also. I hate being left out. Plus Nova's my girl."

I totally forgot that MJ and Nova keep getting closer and closer.

"So anyone going to tell me what is happening?" She asked.

"Peter is trying to figure out how to confess-" Ned started before I interrupted him.



"Ahhh so you're confessing today?" MJ smirked.

I shook my head, "not exactly, I'm not sure what to do."

"Not sure what to do about what?"

The three of us all jumped by the sound of Nova's voice and her running over to us.

"Sorry I'm late, Tony was going over something with me."

"Which was?" Ned asked being nosey.

Nova smiled and glanced around before leaning closer to the rest of us and whispered, "the avengers are meeting up at the tower tonight to discuss some secrets, I wasn't suppose to tell anyone so don't tell anyone either."

"Well then maybe you shouldn't have told Ned." MJ joked.

"I can keep secrets!" He snapped, crossing his arms.

"Barely." I mumbled, remembering how he almost gave up my secret many times.

"But promise not to say anything! I don't want Tony to get pissed off." Nova said, giving us her puppy dog eyes.

"Fine." The three of us said.

The four of us walked to the closest bus stop. I kept silent while the other three talked their heads off.

I was bothered by not getting invited to Mr. Starks top secret avengers meeting.

I mean, I was crowned as a avenger at one point before shit went bad, but I was still called one. So why wasn't I invited?

But my thoughts were interrupted when I heard a voice. A voice I thought I'd never hear ever again.

"Well, isn't it Peter Parker, Ned Leeds and Michelle Jones. What a lovely surprise!"

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