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hello everyone.

I am aware I haven't updated this story in a hot minute but I really have to say this because no one seems to get it.

please for the love of god STOP ASKING ME OR TRYING TO FORCE ME TO UPDATE! it is completely disrespectful. the more people who ask me to update the more I don't want to update. I have a life outside of updating my stories and school to attend to and other outside things. I will update when I feel like it and when I feel comfortable to. right now I am on vacation and can't update.

i'm also taking the time out of my vacation time to write this because it needs to be said.

I also have someone come in and make unneeded comments about my oc's name and others making comments about how i've written this story. which is completely uncalled for and I am sick and tired of it.

i've posted many times to STOP trying to force me to update and making uncalled for comments about my story or my characters. I am so 100% done.

if I get anymore hate or rude comments, or someone else telling me to update I will report and delete this story completely. I. have. had. it. this is not your story it is mine so cut your shit out. if you don't like what i've written or what I decided to name my characters then don't continue to read this and leave.

I am done.

thank you to everything who has supported this story and continued to be patient and love this. you are what helps with me wanting to update and writing more content.

that is all I have to say right now. 

reasons • peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now