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✿ 🌷 ❀ ( Fourteen ) ❀ 🌷 ✿

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✿ 🌷 ❀ ( Fourteen ) ❀ 🌷 ✿


🌻 ⑅* 🐚 ⑅* 🌻 ⑅* 🐚 ⑅* 🌻

Author's Note

I've been listening to Imagine Dragons' new single "Natural" on repeat, and I love it! 😍 I've added it to this book's playlist. ❤️

Anyway. . .that is all.

Enjoy the chapter! 😘 It was a fun one to write! 😉


It was done.

Filming for series five of Doctor Who was actually finished. And it had been for around two weeks already.

It just flew by so fast.

After finishing up filming for 'The Pandorica Opens' and 'The Big Bang' (the ending of which was being kept very under wraps, considering Emma and Richard's appearance), time while filming 'The Lodgers' with guest star James Corden during the second half of February and 'Amy and Lexi's Choice' with guest star Toby Jones during the first half of March seemed to fly by so quickly.

As the saying goes, time flies when you're having fun.

And they really were.

Even though Karen wasn't in the episode that much, Kassidy and Matt still had a blast filming with James for the majority of 'The Lodgers'. That man was so nice to work alongside. Just another new friend that they were able to make during this weird and awesome journey. And then getting to go back and forth with Toby for 'Amy and Lexi's Choice' was so much fun. The character of the Dream Lord that Toby got to portray was so... dark and mysterious. His acting was really fun play off of.

But now... now the promotional work for series five was finally underway.

And going around the UK in a giant tour bus with the Doctor's, Lexi's and Amy's (a.k.a. Matt's, Kassidy's and Karen's) faces painted on the side was rather surreal.

"I'm telling you, Kas." Karen laughed as she, Kassidy and Matt plopped down in their seats as they and the rest of the Doctor Who team readied to leave Inverness, all of them having just got done with a full day of press and a screening of series five episode one in Karen and Kassidy's hometown. "Mum was more excited to see Matt at the theatre than she was to see us."

𝑺𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝑳𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 ⦅ Matt Smith x Gillan!OFC ⦆Where stories live. Discover now