Chapter 3~ Unappreciated

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April 16th, 2018 8:42 AM

You had a bad feeling in your stomach, it wasn't a sick feeling though. You didn't know what it was. You ignored it as hard as possible.
"Hahh~ another day."
You yawned and stretched your arms to full extent. The sun was just bright enough to kick you out of the bed, even though you didn't feel like it. You slid out of bed, onto the floor and got on your feet.
"What the h*ll is that smell?"
You smelled something like a burning sensation. The first thing you don't want to smell in the morning. You ran to the kitchen and Ashton was in the kitchen with a pan of slightly blackened- no scratch that, chard bacon and burnt eggs. You tapped on his shoulder.
"Hun, what is that?"
He got startled.
"Oh, Y/N you scared me hah. I am making breakfast."
You raised your eye brows.
"Ash, that's not breakfast. That's coal."
He chuckled a little.
"Okay Gordan Ramsay, if you think you're going to judge me, then you cook."
You took the pan out of his hands and scraped the burnt food in the trash.
"Don't mind if I do."
You said confidently. You opened the fridge and you grabbed peppers, eggs, 1 onion, and butter.
These are real directions~
"First you butter the pan turn the burner to very low heat to let the butter melt. Then you crack the egg, (I do over easy) once the egg white whitened, flip it over carfully (try not to crack the yolk), then you cut the onion in half putting the other half in the fridge. Slice the onion half into small squares, then throw those onion squares in the pan. With the peppers, (I use small sweet peppers) you cut the peppers in small squares as well. Throw the peppers chunks in the pan as well. The eggs will have a beautiful flavor in the end!" You make him try the eggs.
"These eggs are not bad! Welp, I have to go now, you know work calls me."
He said in a sarcastic voice. You still have a bad feeling. It is always around Ash, though.
You always feel unappreciated when you're with him. He treats you like a maid more than a girlfriend. You do everything for him. You still love him for some reason.


Jimin texts you.

"Hey princess how are you?" 7:30PM
You realized how early it was for Jimi.
"Jimin it is very early for you. Why aren't you in bed?. Stop calling me that!" 7:31PM
"Its only 11PM. Anyways, how are you Y/N." 7:32PM
You sighed a little and typed.
"Not so good..."
"How so? What's wrong, is everything alright?" 7:33PM
You were sitting down looking at the full plate of eggs Ash left on the table.
"Its my boyfriend." 7:36
You were really surprised of what he said.
"Jimin, no. I just feel like so something is not right. He came home 9 hours late from work last night, he smelled of whiskey, and when I came in the room, he was texting someone and hid the phone from me. He said he was only texting a friend." 7:39PM
"I thought he was "sweet" or were you lying to me?" 7:40PM
"He is sweet but I don't know what he is hiding from me. He is also late again, he was supposed to come home at 5PM."
You turned red at the fact he actually cared for you and how he asked you if you were alright. Which you're boyfriend doesn't. You started to cry.

♡What's gonna happen next?♡
♡Stay tuned for my chapters and follow me♡
♡Stay fierce lovelies♡

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