Part 9~ Beer Bottle

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I looked at Jimin with a wide eye sort of look breathing heavily and blushed.

"I'm so sorry I-" I stopped Jimin and got up.

"It's okay Jimin, I was just... surprised."

We both got up off the bed and we both went to the kitchen. I sat on one of the chairs and swinging my feet back and forth as Jimin looked at me leaning against the counter.

"So... the kiss...?" He tilted his head crossing his arms.

"Oh uh... yeah... that was something, wasn't it?" I kept swinging my feet and looked off to the side.

"Do you want to talk about the relationship thing...?"

"Okay, I need to explain some things first. Can we go for a walk?" I said looking at him in the eyes.


I open the door to the outside and close it behind me. We step out into the cold night and start walking by street lamps. I look down at my feet walking and then back at Jimin.

"I guess I should start talking." I said looking over at him.

He looked up at me with his hands in his jean pockets.

"I think I'm a little worried to jump in another relationship. I mean, don't get me wrong, I like you but it's just a lot of pressure."
I look to the side with a frown.

Jimin shifted his eyes off to the side and frowned.

"It's okay, I'll give you some time. I understand how you feel."

We walk down the street passing the bushes until we hear two voices. We both stopped and looked around. We saw a tall man and a woman who was in a buisness sort of attire.
We kept walking and as we got closer the more I felt dizzy... it was Ashton and that woman.

"Sh*t." I whispered and stopped in my tracks.

The street light beamed over me and Jimin and I grabbed Jimin's wrist to stop him.

"Y/N? Is everything okay?" Jimin said as he looked at me confused.

Jimins voice got Ashton's attention and he looked at Jimin and then me in shock.

"Y/N? Is that you? What a coincidence."
Ashton observed Jimin next to me and looked at me confused.

"Yeah. It really is, Ashton." I say in a lower unimpressed voice.

"So you're the a*shole Y/N told me about?" Jimin said crossing his arms with one eyebrow raised.

Ashton gripped the half-empty beer bottle in his hand.

"And who the h*ll might you be and why are you with her?" Ashton radiates with anger.

"None of your god d*mn business." Jimin replies with his face scrunched in anger.

Ashton pulls back his hand with the beer bottle and chucks in towards Jimin which hits Jimins head and smashes.

"Jimin! Ashton, what is wrong with you?!"
I clenched my fists.

Jimin held his head as blood ran down his fingers.

"Why don't you stop hanging out with that loser and come back to me?"
Ashton scoffs and crosses his arms.

The woman with Ashton gave him a disgusted look.

"The only loser I see here is you!" I pulled back my hand and punched Ashton straight in his face.

Ashton fell to the ground and grunted as the woman ran inside the house.

I pulled out my phone while my fingers were stumbling tryimg not to drop my phone as I dialed 911

"Jimin, don't w-worry help is on t-the way."

I crouched down to Jimin and held him in my arms waiting for help.


I sat on the frou d waiting for help until I hear loud sounds and flashing lights. It was the ambulance. I got up quickly on my feet trying not to fall.

They got out of the ambulance and took Jimin into the truck and I got in with them.

Ashton must've hit hard because Jimin isn't waking up but he is still breathing thank god.

I sat on the seat on the side while the ambulance raced to the emergency room. There was a lot of blood and glass.

We finally arrived at the emergency room and they hauled Jimin away.

"Ma'am, we're going to have to ask you to wait in the front." The front desk lady told me.

So I did. I waited for what felt like hours to see him. I almost fell asleep in the chair and it was 1:35 Am.

"Is there someone who goes by the name of
Y/N?" One of the nurses said.

I shot up from my seat.

"That would be me!" I yelled. I kinda yelled a little too loud... oops.

She led me to Jimins room and saw him sitting up.

"Jimin, are you okay?!" I ran beside his bed where was.

"It's honestly just a little scratch." He shrugged it off.

"It was not just a little scratch, Jimin."

He smiled and held my hand.

"I'm glad it didn't get too dangerous. If it did, I wouldn't be able to see you or your smile anymore." Jimin said to me looking into my eyes.

HELLO HELLO MY BEAUTIFUL BLOSSOMS! I'm so so so so sorry for not not updating in forever! I have been busy trying to do school projects and a lot of homework and I was not able to update any of my stories, sadly.

Please stay tuned my blossoms!!

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