Chapter 12~ Mistake

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I shuffled to my closet to pick something out for Amaris to wear tonight at the bar. I run my hand across the clothes to see what I had and my eyes laid upon a black, skin tight dress with long sleeves that was just above the knee. It was perfect for her!

"Amaris, what about this one? It screams you." I smiled looking ather and back at the dress and she looked amused as well.

"God, that's a gorgeous dress! I don't mind wearing it." Amaris took the dress and ran to the bathroom quickly.

   I took the time she was getting dressed to find myself something to wear. After some searching, I found my black ripped jeans and a white crop top. It was basic, but it's just the bar. All you do is drink and talk to a few strangers. Then I heard the bathroom door open and the sound of footsteps coming towards my room. Amaris waltzed her way in and damn, she looked stunning. I couldn't believe that I could say she was MY friend.

"You look amazing! That dress really carves out your figure." I had a big grin on my face and I just couldn't stop smiling.

"Thanks so much, I really love this dress. What time did Jimin say that he wanted us to come?" Amaris sat on my bed with her legs crossed.

"Um... I think we can go in about 15 minutes." I hesitated while checking the time. Yup, 15 minutes.

/15 minutes go by.../

Me and Amaris made our way out the door and to my car and to be honest, I was actually pretty excited. I don't really drink but hey, I'm just going out to have some fun.

As I was driving down the hollow road, it grew quiet which I'm not used to. Amaris is usually full of energy rushing through her veins. It's a scary time for her so I don't blame anything on her. I was almost at the destination as my phone kept buzzing that I was closer.

"Turn right, turn left, etc."

Now I'm about 2 minutes away but it felt like the longest two minutes of my life.

  "I think we're almost here." I exclaimed yet it was pretty obvious. My phone notifys it outloud in that very isolated sound.

  "Sorry if I seem dry, I just have a lot on my mind right now." Amaris looked down with the most saddened face I've ever seen from her.

  "Well what's on your mind? You know you can talk to me."

"I just feel like I can't take it anymore. Everytime my father said he'd do better, he does worse. I want to get out of here, Y/N."
Amaris' voice cracked as tears rolled down her face. I just can't stand to see her like this.

  "Hun, if you want, we can turn around and go home. We can watch movies and I have vanilla icecream at home." I hoped to see her atleast crack a smile which she did.

  "No," she chuckled. "Getting out is probably good for me. I haven't been out in a while."

We arrive at the bar and like any other place with booze, it smelled like vodka and the sound of laughter rushed through the building. Amaris and I walked through the doors to the bar and we began the search for Jimin.

  We spotted him but not in the way I wanted to see him. He was fucking drunk. I didn't see him as the type to drink a lot but I guess you shouldn't expect to know so much about someone you met online.

  "Jimin, how much did you drink?" I tried to hold him still. He's all over the place. He looked at me and then looked at his hands while holding up a few fingers to show me how much he drank.

  "I- I have no idea. Who's the pretty girl beside you?"

  "Jimin, I told you I was bringing my friend, Amaris. I'm taking a guess you drank a lot."  I put his arm over my shoulder to take him outside to my car but he refused and pulled away.

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