Chapter 5~ Tears

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April  25, 2018 3:45PM
♡sorry I am skipping some days, I need the process to go a little faster♡


  You were taking a shower because you wanted to wash away the stress everything is putting on your back. All the college classes, people, and your boyfriend. You want to cry but you can't, you have felt so depressed over everything. The feeling of hot water felt amazing to you as you ran the water on your body.
   You turn off the shower and step out in the cold air and you put a towel around your body. As you stepped out, you looked in the mirror.
"Why am I not good enough?!"
    You screamed at yourself like it was your fault.
     *ring ring*

   It was your friend, Amaris. You picked up the phone.

You: "Hello?"
Amaris: "Hi Y/N, it's me Amaris. I was wondering if you wanted to sleep over at my place. I wanted to catch up."
You: "Ah, hello Amaris! Sure I'd love to."
Amaris: "How long do you want to stay?"
You: "May 1st, when my boyfriend gets home, if that's okay. I wanted to take a break from the house because I have been so stressed."
Amaris: "Yeah, sure! I'd love to have you over for a long time! We need to catch up."

   You pack your stuff into your bag. You look at the necklace around your neck that Ashton gave to you. You gripped it tightly with a frown on your face. You shook your head and packed the last thing in the duffle bag.
   You shoved your feet into some white converse, and headed out.

*crunch crunch*

  The sound of your feet crunching on the gravel reminded you of being a kid. When you used to walk on the gravel path in the forest with your brother behind your parents house.
You jinglled around your keys until you found the car's keys.

*click click*

    You opened up the car door and hopped in. It was a really hot day and the seats felt like fire. You turned on the airconditioner full extent and waited till the car cooled down. You got back in and drove off.

  You got to her house and unlocked you door to step out. You walked up her steps and knocked on her door.

*click click click*

The door swung open.
  "Hi Y/N! Come on in." Amaris excitingly said.
"Hi Amaris!"
   You looked around her house and realized she changed it.
  "Ah, Amaris? Did you change your house?"
"Yes I did! I AM glad you noticed."
  She smiled.
"Hey, Do you want some tea? I have your favorite...?"
You smiled
  "Of course I would!"
She walked into the kitchen and ripped open a tea bag and placed it into a cup that says "Be happy" in bold letters and bright colors. She poured hot water in the cupnand walked really carefully trying not to spill the tea.
  "So what happened with you and your boyfriend?"
"Well... I think he is cheating on me."
She looked surprised.
"Woah really? Are you sure? He seems all goody two shoes to me."
"Sadly, yes I think maybe. He has done some questionable stuff like coming home at 2 AM, covering his phone whenever I walk into the room, stutters a lot when he lies."
  You went on about how he might have been cheating on you.
  "I'm so sorry. I don't know what to do."
"It's not your fault. I will just tell him I am coming home on May 1st.

"Hey babe, I am at my friends house. I am staying till May 1st 5PM." 9:35PM


"Did he text you back?"
She intensely looked at you
"He read it, but he did not answer."
"Maybe he will text tomorrow. Let's go to bed, I am tired.
She shut off the lights and she jumped on the bed with you.

    ♡GUYS AND GIRLS I am so sorry it took me so long to post this chapter! I have been so busy and I have been thinking about this chapter and how I will create the plot for it! T^T Please forgive me♡

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