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Tony was muttering to himself, staring at a laser type gun he had found after a mission. He was running tests to see what it did but so far it just seemed like it shot a pretty purple light. He'd shot it at the walls, metal plating, Dum-E, various other items and still nothing happened.

"What do you do?" He spoke louder, addressing the yet identified object and setting it on a stand. The genius billionaire ran a hand through his hair and scowled at the laser gun, pacing around as he tried to think of what to use to test it on now. "JARVIS, I'm going to do something."

"Sir, I'd recommend you not do what you are thinking." The AI actually sounded worried.

"Sorry, old friend. It's for science." Tony snickered, standing in front of the laser and remotely shooting it at himself. The light hit him and his vision went black, a wash of pain tiding over him and he knew no more.

JARVIS monitored Tony's vitals and sent a notification to Bruce's phone, alerting the other scientist to Tony's distress as was his protocol in case of Tony's incapacitation. Bruce stopped filling out his report and made his way to Tony's workshop, gaping at what he saw.

"Tony?" He knelt next to a pile of clothing that wiggled as a little boy sat up. "Hey. It's okay. I won't hurt you."

The little boy scrambled back, looking around at the unfamiliar room and the unknown man. He was at most two and a half, barely reaching Bruce's midchest as the man knelt there.

"C'mere, Tony." Bruce tried again, speaking firmly yet soothingly. The tiny boy edged closer, wide eyed and looking like he'd burst into tears at any point. "Good boy. Doing so good for Bruce. That's a boy." He brought the boy into a hug before using one hand to grab the shirt Tony had put on that morning and put it on Tiny Tony.

"J'vis?" He was asking for Jarvis, the one person he knew best. "Where J'vis?"

"He's not here, Honey." Bruce stood, holding Tony in his arms and taking him from the lab. "Let's go to my office, yeah? And I'll give you a check up."

"C'eck up?" Tony squirmed in Bruce's hold, resting his head down as a wave of sleepiness washed over him.

"Yup. We're gonna check your ears and eyes and everything else." Bruce kept his tone cheerful, bouncing the boy in an effort to keep him awake. "Then some lunch. How does that sound?"

"Otay." Tony yawned, closing his eyes and employing his skill of napping anywhere.

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