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Bruce took the little boy to his office, waking him carefully and setting him on the exam table. "We're here, Tony. Honey, I'm gonna listen to your heart now."

"Otay." Tony repeated his earlier word and yawned again, rubbing his eyes and following Bruce's directions. He had his heart and lungs listened to, ears, nose, and throat checked, blood drawn and given a cool bandaid with a Captain America shield on it. "Cap'in 'Merica?"

"Yup. Captain America, Honey." Bruce finished sterilizing his equipment and scooped Tony up again. "We're gonna see a nice omega, Tony. She's gonna love you a lot."

"Lub me?" Tony looked apprehensively at Bruce, gripping his t-shirt tightly.

"Yes, love you." Bruce confirmed, bringing him to the communal floor to see Kayla who was using a hand loom to make a blanket rather than knitting this time. "Hey. We have a tiny Tony."

"A Tiny Tony?" Kayla mouthed, looking at the little boy and standing after setting her loom down. She walked closer as Bruce did too, meeting them halfway. "Hello there, Tony. I'm Kayla. Nice to meet you."

"Ni' to mee' you." Tony smiled adorably at the pretty lady with long brown hair and kind hazel eyes.

"Have you fed him lunch?" She held a hand out to Tony to see if he wanted to be held by her and was delighted when he leaned from Bruce's hold to be taken. Kayla took the small boy, cuddling him to her bosom and taking him into the kitchen.

"Nope. Wanted to wait till after you knew." Bruce leaned on the counter, watching how she cradled Tony close and did everything one handed as he assisted.

"We'll need a room to be set up for him. And clothes too. Plus toys." Kayla hummed, letting Bruce take Tony to feed him a grilled cheese.

"We should let Pepper know. So she can reschedule any meetings." The scientist nodded, poking the last bite into his own mouth after Tony pushed it away. "Tony?"

The little boy squirmed down and ran away, tripping on his too long shirt and smacking his face on the floor with a loud smack. He laid there and sniffled before a loud wail burst free from his throat, sobbing at the pain and shock.

"Oh, Baby." Kayla hurried to Tony and grabbed him up into a protective hold, looking at his face and frowning at the large red mark and a little bit of blood dripping from his nose. "Don't cry. Bruce will fix you right up." She ignored the puddle on the floor and the urine that had ended up on her from picking him up.

"I'm a doctor. Doctors help people." Bruce added, ignoring the fact that he always says he's not that type of doctor. He made sure Tony hadn't concussed himself, relieved that it wasn't that bad. "Just a bump, Honey. And a bloody nose."

"Wet." Tony wailed, burying his face into the nice woman's chest and crying even more because he was a big boy and big boys don't wet themselves. His father had started telling him that recently, scowling as Jarvis would take the tiny boy off to be changed.

"Oh, honey. You had an accident." Bruce rubbed the boy's back. "The shock to you did it."

"Let's get you cleaned up, hm? A nice warm bath and then a nap." The brunette woman cradled Tony, taking him to the bathroom and kneeling down. "Get you all clean. How does that sound?"

"Bubbles?" Tony sniffled, rubbing his eyes and shivering as he was undressed. The tub was quickly filled with warm water and peppermint scented bubbles, washcloths on the side of the tub and a plush towel on the counter for once they finished.

"Lots of bubbles just for you!" Kayla chirped, attempting to put Tony in the tub. "What's the matter, baby?"

"Baf wi' me?" Tony pleaded, clinging tighter.

"Okay, okay. I'll bathe with you." Kayla set Tony on the floor and undressed to her undergarments, climbing in the tub with Tony in her arms. She sat in the warm water and scrubbed Tony clean gently, making sure to get all the urine and grime off of him. "All clean. And once we go shopping, we'll pick up some bath toys for you. How does that sound?"

"Is good." Tony was kind of sleepy, leaning his head on her chest again and sucking his thumb. He didn't care that the cloth was wet, simply wanting to be close and be held.

"Let's get you dried off, Baby. Bruce went and got some stuff for you." Kayla stood, water dripping off and she wrapped Tony in the towel before carefully going and getting her own towel.

"Look what I brought." Bruce stood in the doorway of the bathroom and smiled at Tony. He liked being able to help and not feel like the Other Guy was going to take over. The scientist held a colorful bag containing two sets of pajamas and some day clothes, it was just for now and they would be buying more but they had needed clothes to put on Tony. "Where is everyone today?"

"Cap and Bucky are on one mission, Nat's on another, Clint and Phil are doing shield things, Rhodey is doing his military stuff, Sam is at the VA, Peter is at school and Pepper is at a meeting T-O-N-Y was supposed to be at." Kayla hummed, passing over Tony and making her way to the room containing her own clothing.

"Well. Let's get you dressed, Honey." Bruce took Tony to one of the guest rooms on the communal floor, laying him on the bed and drying him thoroughly.

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