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"Steve. Let go." Kayla scowled. "I need to check on him."

"You have to work on his co-dependency issues. He needs to know you're allowed to leave and that you'll still come back." Steve shook his head, not letting her off of his floor even as they watched Tony crying on the common floor on the screen. "Give it twenty minutes."

"I just don't understand why it's so bad now. He was fine before." She shook her head, leaning into the alpha who rumbled soothingly.

"Who knows?" Steve shrugged, rubbing her back while they watched the absolute fit Tony was pitching as Sam watched from close by.

"Tony, baby. She's coming back in a bit. She's not staying gone." Sam soothed, crouching next to the flailing toddler. "Shh. C'mere, Bud."

"Nooooo." Tony screeched, flailing more as he was lifted up.

"I know. You miss Mama, huh? She'll be back soon." Sam rocked Tony in his arms, pressing a kiss to the dark curls of the boy. "How about we have snack? I think Daddy Teev cut up some melon for us before they left."

"M-melon?" Tony sniffled, wiping his nose on Sam's gym shirt. The dark skinned man wrinkled his nose slightly but didn't comment, thankful the mention of melon had worked.

"Let's go see, yeah?" Sam stood, settling Tony on his hip and heading to the kitchen where a plate of melon waited. "We'll have to thank Daddy Teev when they get back."

"Uh huh." Tony nodded solemnly before reaching for the melon. He was foiled by Sam buckling him into the highchair.

"Hold on, Buddy." Sam wiped the snot and tears from Tony's face before setting down a couple pieces of melon on the tray. "Here you go. Start with that."

"Thank you, Pa!" Tony smiled adorably at Sam before stuffing his face with melon.

~Back on Steve's floor~

"Oh thank god for the power of that kid's love of melon." The omega grinned, hugging Steve around his ridiculously trim waist. "Remember how we found out he liked melon?"

"You mean when I had a plate of it and he'd wait until I wasn't looking and snatch pieces until he ran off with the whole plate." Steve spoke dryly, looking fond.

"Lil sneak thief." Kayla rubbed her face on Steve's chest, scent marking him. "He's cute though. And it made Bucky laugh."

"True. I like when Bucky laughs." Steve agreed, looking amused at her blatant possessive behavior. He liked when he was scent marked by her, it made him feel like he belonged. "I do not like when he's laughing because Clint did something to me."

"Me either. Although he scared the shit out of Clint for scaring me." Kayla smirked slightly. "Growly, grumpy alpha being overprotective is hot."

"Except when it's obnoxious." Steve finished the familiar words. "Anyways, let's keep watching to see how this goes."

"Yeah." She got him to sit down and then climbed in his lap, nuzzling his neck. "Sam is good. I feel like Clint would do okay and Bruce would be worried about hulking out. Thor probably would do decently. Rhodey has siblings. Nat would probably be uncomfortable."

"I agree. Phil would be fine." Steve, rested his large hand on her back.

"Peter would freak out." Kayla snorted.

"I feel like we'd come back to them both crying. Bucky was good with kids, not sure how he'd feel now." Steve laughed slightly.

"He'd just stare at Tony like what are you even doing." The hazel eyed omega mused. "Or employ the Scream Louder than the Child method."

"I can see that!" The blond alpha cracked up, laughing so hard he wheezed.

"Why does Stevie sound like a dying seal?" Bucky's amused voice alerted them to his presence as he came over from the elevator.

"Discussing how everyone would deal with a tantruming Tony." Kayla held Bucky's hand. "We decided you'd probably either stare at him or scream louder than him to make him be quiet."

"That sounds about right." Bucky sat next to them, watching the screen as Sam fed Tony some more melon. "I could see Clint throwing himself on the ground and tantruming too just because."

"Shock value. It would confuse Tony thus he'd stop tantruming." Kayla followed Bucky's thought.

"We're geniuses!" Steve had finally gotten himself under control.

"You are so weird." She squeezed his face with her hands. "Anyways, give it a bit more and wait on Sam giving us the signal that we can come back."

That signal came two hours later in the middle of them playing twister. JARVIS was using a virtual spinner for them so they could all play.

"Mr. Wilson has requested your presence." JARVIS announced.

"Crap. Ask him for ten minutes." Steve was focused on not tipping over, right foot on blue and his left on red.

"He says that you have six minutes or he's coming down." JARVIS reported.

"Okay, okay." Bucky grumbled and moved his right hand to yellow, laughing as Steve tipped over. "Ha!"

"Jerk!" Steve pouted.

"Shoo. Get off the board, Stevie." Kayla scolded, looking absolutely maniacal as the next turn ended up with her shoulder wedged against Bucky and he toppled over as he moved his left hand. "I win."

"Unfair advantage! We're both bigger than you!" Steve whined. "It's entirely unfair."

"It's fair!" Kayla laughed, heading to the elevator once they folded the mat up and put it away.

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